
respectful adj.1.尊重人的,表示敬意的;謙恭的,有禮貌的,殷勤...


Respectful : showing respect 尊敬人的

Be straight - forward , respectful , direct and congenial , but not overly familiar 一定要直率、有理、有涵養,但是不要做作。

As bertuccio , with a respectful bow , was moving away , the count called him back 貝爾圖喬正要走開,伯爵又把他叫了回來。

Zoe had risen from her chair and was muttering with respectful familiarity 佐愛站起來,用尊敬而又親切的口氣低聲說道:

Only by being sincere and respectful of others can we earn their respect 只有對人真誠又尊重時,才能贏得他人的尊敬。

So , be polite and respectful in your interactions with other members 因此,在與其它會員互動時請禮貌待人并相互尊重。

Be modest and respectful to others 謙厚尊重

He is respectful to his elders 他對長輩很恭敬

He is respectful to his elders 他對長輩很恭敬。

He behaved in a respectful way 他的舉止彬彬有禮。

) , if you are involved in the community be respectful to the current members ) 、假如你在社區是目前大家違逆

453 . he is respectful to his elders 他對長輩很恭敬。

Respectful way of speech in japanese 試論日語敬語現象

When he raised the problem , she kept a respectful silence 當他提出那個問題時,她恭敬地保持著沉默。

You ' ll be nice , polite and respectful 你會很有禮貌,很和藹

I thought i was very respectful 我還以為我已經夠有禮貌了呢

I ' m cool , i ' m cool . i ' m respectful 我會很冷靜,我會很有禮貌

He seems very respectful of people of different backgrounds 他看起來很尊重來自不同出生背景的人。

“ is it because there they are more respectful of our tradition 是否因為他們更加尊重咱們的承傳