
respecter n.尊重者;勢利的人。 be no respecter ...


Watch out , for example , for those who claim mastery of a subject on the basis of inadequate experience , pseudo - synthesisers who merely lump haphazard material together , “ creatives ” whose ideas are neither sound nor original , “ respecters ” who merely tolerate others from a standpoint of ignorance , and “ ethical champions ” whose personal standards fall far short of the values they trumpet 例如,要注意那些經驗不足、但聲稱精通某項工作的人,注意那些只是將隨機材料混在一起的偽綜合者,注意那些其創意既不理想也非原創的“創新者” ,注意那些只是無知地寬容他人的“恭敬者” ,注意那些個人水準遠不及其吹噓的“倫理鼓吹者” 。

This is particularly important as problems such as the economic downturn and community concerns are no respecters of our organisation structure . in addition , 不論組織架構如何,我們都要面對諸如經濟不景和面對市民所關注的問題等困難,因此這套管理程序對我們尤其重要。

Therefore i also have made you despicable and base before all the people to the same extent that you have not kept my ways but have been respecters of persons in the law 9所以我也使你們在眾人面前被藐視,看為下賤,因你們不遵行我的道路,竟在律法上偏袒人。

Arthur was a straightforward and just young fellow , no respecter of persons , and always anxious to give the devil his due 亞瑟是個坦率正直的青年,待人一視同仁,就是對他不喜歡的人,他也總是做到公平對待。

Glen i no respecter of persons he won ' t compromise his behaviour or the way he dressed no matter where he is 格倫對任何人一律看待? ?不論在什么地方,他總保持著自己的行為舉止或穿著方式。

Be no respecter of persons 對任何人一視同仁

Death is no respecter of persons 死亡是不分貧富貴賤的。

Death is no respecter of persons . 死亡不認人。

The law is no respecter of persons . 法律面前人人平等。