
respectable adj.1.可尊敬的,可尊重的,人格高尚的,品行端正的;...


He was economical, and had saved money; he owned and occupied a very comfortable house on a respectable street . 他很節約,省下了錢,在一條很有氣派的大街上擁有一幢很舒適的房子。

Had he married a more amiable woman, he might have been made still more respectable than he was . 要是他娶的是一個待人更為親切一些的女人的話,他就會顯得比現在更加有身分一些。

His own family is one of the most ancient and respectable in ireland, and indeed is as good as our own . 他的家是愛爾蘭最古老、最尊貴的家族之一,實際上同我們的家庭一樣高尚。

You're not going to deny that all my life, i've been hardworking, decent, respectable and straightforward . 你不會否認我這一輩子干活努力、正派體面,受人尊敬而且光明正大吧?

It is sufficiently fierce story to make an old judge and a respectable jury sit up . 這簡直是一件相當殘暴的案子,即使是老資格的審判官和值得尊敬的陪審團也都一定會有點震驚。

His property here, his place, his house, everything is in such respectable and excellent condition ! 他在這兒的產業,他的屬地,他的住宅,一切都處于令人肅然起敬的出色狀態。

For my part, i abominate all honorable respectable toils, trials, and tribulations of every kind whatsoever . 拿我來說,一切尊貴的,叫人敬重的勞動、考驗和折磨都使我乏味。

Year by year a few of these slang terms prove so useful that they graduate into respectable society . 年復一年,這些俚語中的一些證明是十分有用的,因而逐漸進入了上流社會。

Many developing countries experienced respectable rates of gnp growth during the 1960s and 1970s . 許多發展中國家的國民生產總值在20世紀60年代和70年代以相當快的速度增長。

All the respectable inhabitants and well-to-do fellownatives of the town were against phillotson to a man . 鎮上所有的體面居民和小康人家,都異口同聲,一齊反對費勞孫。

The connection was certainly a respectable one and probably gained her consideration among her friends . 這種關系的確是值得尊敬的,可能為她在她的朋友們中間贏得了敬意。

The son, a steady respectable young man, was amply provided for by the fortune of his mother . 兒子是個沉著的、可尊敬的青年人,靠生母的那筆財產受到富裕的贍養。

The primary mirror is 80 cm in diameter, a respectable size even for an observatory on the ground . 主鏡的直徑為80厘米,這一口徑即使在地面天文臺也是很可觀的。

They always looked respectable although they did not always have enough proper food to eat . 他們看上去倒也很體面,盡管他們不能夠經常有象樣的東西吃。

You will escape from a disorderly, comfortless home into a wealthy, respectable one . 你將從一個亂糟糟的、不舒服的家庭逃脫,走進一個富裕的體面人家。

After some difficulty i was fortunate in hiring a most respectable round-faced young man . 經過一番周折后,我有幸雇上一位極為可靠的圓臉的小伙子。

His smoking tea went hissing over the “hot coppers“ of that respectable veteran . 他那杯熱騰騰的茶,倒進這位可敬的老兵的干燥喉嚨里,嘶嘶地作響。

The highest desire of his soul just now was for a respectable life of painstaking . 現在他內心里的最高愿望是過一種受人尊敬的、埋頭苦干的生活。

Babbitt is the upholder of everything that is conservative, conventional and respectable . 巴比特是一切保守的、傳統的和高尚的事物的維護者。