
respectability n.1.可尊敬,人格高尚,品行端正;威望;尊嚴,體面。2...


A place of business in london like tellson s place of business in paris , would soon have driven the house out of its mind and into the gazette . for , what would staid british responsibility and respectability have said to orange - trees in boxes in a bank court - yard , and even to a cupid over the counter ? yet such things were 若是在倫敦的臺爾森銀行有了幢巴黎的臺爾森銀行那樣的大廈,那是會氣得負責人發瘋在報紙上弄得他聲名狼籍的,因為銀行的院子里若是有了栽著桔樹的箱子柜臺頭頂上若是有了長著翅膀的小愛神,那責任感強烈而且極重體面的不列顛負責人將如何解釋?

Her understanding excellent , her mind improved , and her manners captivating . neither could any thing be urged against my father , who , though with some peculiarities , has abilities which mr . darcy himself need not disdain , and respectability which he will probably never reach . “ when she thought of her mother , indeed , her confidence gave way a little , but she would not allow that any objections there had material weight with mr . darcy , whose pride , she was convinced , would receive a deeper wound from the want of importance in his friend s connections , than from their want of sense ; and she was quite decided at last , that he had been partly governed by this worst kind of pride , and partly by the wish of retaining mr . bingley for his sister 她想到這里,不禁大聲嚷了起來: “至于吉英本身,根本就不可能有什么缺陷,她真是太可愛太善良了她見解高,修養好,風度又動人,我父親也沒有什么可指摘的,他雖然有些怪癖,可是他的能力是達西先生所不能藐視的,說到他的品德,達西先生也許永遠趕不上, ”當然,當她想到她母親的時候,她的信心不免稍有動搖可是她不相信那方面的弱點對達西先生會有什么大不了的影響。

Gebhard senior , keen on getting on and something of a social climber ( he was proud of his acquaintanceship with the bavarian royal family ) became headmaster of the prominent wittelsbacher gymnasium ; discipline , conscientiousness and above all respectability were his family ' s values 老大格伯哈特一心想著飛黃騰達,在維特爾斯巴赫家族著名的“高級中學”當上了校長的職務,他頗為自己和巴伐利亞皇室相熟而感到自豪;他自己家族的價值觀念是守紀律、盡職責,尤其重要的是,受人尊敬。

There was now an interest , however , in believing the housekeeper ; and they soon became sensible that the authority of a servant who had known him since he was four years old , and whose own manners indicated respectability , was not to be hastily rejected . neither had any thing occurred in the intelligence of their lambton friends that could materially lessen its weight 大家現在都愿意去相信那個管家奶奶的話,因為她在主人四歲的那年就來到他,當然深知主人的為人,加上她本身的舉止也令人起敬,那就決不應該貿貿然把她的話置若罔聞,何況根據藍白屯的朋友們跟他們講的情形來看,也覺得這位管家奶奶的話沒有什么不可靠的地方。

But she had never felt so strongly as now the disadvantages which must attend the children of so unsuitable a marriage , nor ever been so fully aware of the evils arising from so ill - judged a direction of talents ; talents which rightly used , might at least have preserved the respectability of his daughters , even if incapable of enlarging the mind of his wife 但是,說到不美滿的婚姻給兒女們帶來的不利,她從前決沒有象現在體驗得這樣深刻,父親的才能使用不得當因而造成種種害處,這一點她從來沒有象現在這樣看得透徹。要是父親的才能運用得適當,即使不能夠擴展母親的見識,至少也可以保存女兒們的體面。

So do our istana presidents . this certainly raises the level of respectability for our food culture . the food and beverage industry of singapore , led by the hotels , has also done much to accord it a high status 大多數新加坡人都對本地熟食情有獨鐘,連總統也不例外,這對本地佳肴而言是一種肯定,也使得本地飲食文化榮登大雅之堂。

Besides , hand in hand with the recent spectacular advances in radio technology , there has been a dramatic increase in the scientific and public respectability of the entire subject of extraterrestrial life 此外,無線電技術領域最新突破的聯合,在科學界與社會對于整個地球外生命項目的尊重下,有了一個戲劇性的加強。

She was weary , afraid , and felt a craving for utter respectability , even for the vulgar and deadening respectability of the guthrie girls . if clifford knew about her affair , how unspeakably humiliating 她覺得厭倦,懼怕,她切望過著一種體面封鎖理的生活,假如克利福知道了她的事,那是多么不可言宣的屈辱!

There were letters from women seeking to know him , and over one such he smiled , for enclosed was her receipt for pew - rent , sent as evidence of her good faith and as proof of her respectability 還有些是婦女,想認識他,其中有一封使他笑了,因為附有一張教堂座位的租金收據,證明她虔誠的信念和正派的作風。

As to fauchery , he was under the impression that her name was madame robert , a lady of honorable repute who had a lover , only one , and that always a person of respectability 而福什利呢,他相信這位太太就是羅貝爾夫人,她是一位正經女人,只有一個情人,沒有第二個,而且她的情人是一位總是受人尊敬的人。

Taking its place as the hot new “ street dance , “ prompting cries of “ sin , “ was the rumba - which has since earned its own badge of respectability 一種新的“邪惡”的“街舞”重蹈探戈的覆轍,重新引起了人們指責和謾罵,它就是倫巴(現在它也在標準舞中有了一席之地) 。

Futhermore , the very progress of science leads to an ever - increasing specialization , with the result that a man ' s respectability becomes dependent on his being a specialist 而且,科學的進程導致一種不斷增長的專門化,其結果是:人的責任有賴于他成為某方面的專家。

Our importance , our respectability in the world , must be affected by the wild volatility , the assurance and disdain of all restraint which mark lydia s character 麗迪雅這種放蕩不羈無法無天的性格,確實對我們體面攸關,一定會影響到我們的社會地位。

The acquisitions of companies larger and older than kone itself brought kone respectability and lifted the company to a position of market prominence 收購比自己更大歷史更悠久的公司擴大了通力的影響,把通力公司提升到市場主導的地位。

I did not tell everything to your father , he being so proud on account of his respectability , which , perhaps , your intended is the same 我沒有把所有的事都告訴你的父親,因為他總以為自己門第高貴,自命不凡,也許你的未婚夫也是如此。

I was particularly moved by his anxiety that i might receive a wrong impression about his relationship to her or doubt her respectability 特別使我感動的是,他擔心我可能對他與她的關系產生錯誤的印象,或懷疑她的品行不端。

I saw her in a black gown and widow s cap ; frigid , perhaps , but not uncivil : a model of elderly english respectability 我想象她穿著黑色的長袍,戴著寡婦帽,也許索然無味,但井不失為一位典型的英國老派體面人物。

The apparent respectability of many public figures is only an illusion , like the false impression that world events are random 很明顯許多受人尊敬的公眾人物僅僅是一個錯覺,象世界上的事情是隨機的錯誤的印象。

But she did not lose her head this time , for she seated brissenden in her parlor s grandeur of respectability 這一次她不再手忙腳亂,因為她把布里森登請到她那接待貴賓的豪華客廳里坐下了。