
respect n.1.尊敬,尊重;〔pl.〕敬意,問候,請安。2.注意...


You must respect him. he is an old timer here . 你要尊重他,他在這里是個老資格呢。

I admit that i am inferior to him in many respects . 我自認在許多方面比他矮半截。

He wanted to obey the laws and to be respected . 他恨不得也能循規蹈矩而受人尊敬。

I feel i 'm distanced by him in every respect .. 我感到自己在各方面都趕不上他了。

Out of respect , he took off his hat . 他脫帽以示敬意。

The beams are designed with respect to the bending moment . 梁是按照彎矩設計的。

In what respect do you think the film is biased ? 你認為影片在哪一方面失之偏頗?

In respect of age , i am his senior . 論年紀,我比他大。

In one respect neuharth conformed to tradition . 在有一方面,紐哈斯還信守傳統。

He felt, somewhere, that she did not respect him . 他感到她在某些方面不尊重他。

Nobody knew him but respected him . 認識他的人無不尊敬他。

Please pay my respects to your mother . 請代我向伯母致意。

She sympathized and respected him for his stand . 她對他的態度深表同情和尊敬。

In all respects he is more than worthy of you . 就各方面來說,他配你綽綽有余。

Established rights are to be respected . 既定權力必受尊重。

You seem to have no respect for human nature . 你好象并不太重視人類的天性呀。

They paid their respects to the revolutionary martyrs . 他們向革命烈士致哀。

Be good and give my respect to the family . 代我問候你全家。

Judges ought not to respect the person . 法官不應當徇情偏袒。