
resource n.1.〔pl.〕資源;物力,財力。2.方法,手段;機智...


Protect the nation 's resources against the depredations of other countries . 保護國家資源,不容他人染指。

The television broke down so we were thrown back on our own resources . 電視機壞了,我們只好自作消遣了。

He is at the end of his resources , too. do n't count on him for help . 他也是自顧不暇,別指望他幫助啦。

They strive to retain access to the resources that make company tick . 他們設法獲取公司賴以運轉的資源。

We will have wasted all the world's resources of oil and coal . 我們將耗盡世界上所有的石油和煤炭資源。

Our country has a large population , vast territory and abundant resources . 我國人口眾多,地大物博。

Orders were placed to the limit of our ship-building resources . 這些定單,達到了我們造艦能力的限度。

He has ample resources . 他很富裕。

Her only resource was the sympathy she could evoke . 她憑借的唯一力量就是她能從人們心底里激起的同情。

The scope of man 's use of natural resources will steadily grow . 人類利用自然資源的廣度將日益擴大。

Its vast storehouse of natural resources became apparent to all . 大家都看到了它廣大自然資源的寶藏。

All resources are thrown into the production of civilian good . 全部資源都投放到民用物品的生產上了。

Matsushita viewed people as the critical resource of his company . 松下把人看作是他公司的重要資源。

Congeneric species will have the most similar resource requirments . 同源物種對資源的要求最相似。

We know that we must make prudent use of natural resources . 我們知道,必須節約使用自然資源。

Financial resources are dispersed . 財力分散。

She had resources of her own . 她有自己的對策。

The united states is a heavy consumer of natural resources . 美國是自然資源的巨大消費國。

Flight was his only resource . 他只有逃走一法。