
resort n.1.熱鬧場所,娛樂場;常去[人多]的地方,勝地。2....


Manila became the resort of traders from china, japan, siasm, cambodia and the spice islands . 馬尼拉成為從中國、日本、暹羅、柬埔寨和香料群島來的商人的常去之地。

Deprived of its underground in america, the german high command resorted to audacious plans . 由于其在美國的地下組織被摧毀,德國最高統帥部乃訴諸于冒險計劃。

Other families, besides the aryan, may now be resorted to for the desired information . 現在我們可以從雅利安族以外的其它族系中去獲取我們所想要得到的資料了。

He told roberta he would marry her and persuaded her to accompany him to an isolated lake resort . 他告訴羅伯塔他將和她結婚并讓她陪他來到僻靜無人的湖邊。

Neither party would resort to war or increase its armaments during this interval of “cooling off“ . 在這個“冷卻”期,雙方都不能訴諸戰爭或增加武裝力量。

Under the doctrine of flexible response we would still resort to all-out war if necessary . 按照靈活反應理論,我們在必要時,仍然要訴諸全力以赴的戰爭。

All along he had opposed the idea of armed resistance except as the very last resort . 他始終反對采取武力抵抗的辦法,除非拿它當作萬不得已的手段。

If he were wrong, there was the appellate division to which the defense could resort . 要是他的決定有錯誤,還可以上訴法院,被告可以到那里去申請。

I hope that all constitutional means will be exhausted before there is a resort to force . 我希望,在一切憲法手段都用盡之前,絕不使用武力。

We were obliged to resort to the primitive and most exhausting resource of towing the boat . 我們不得不采取最原始的也是最費力的辦法拉纖。

Obviously we had to condemn the indian resort to force in unequivocal language . 顯然,我們應當用明確的詞句譴責印度訴諸武力的行為。

“for everyone's comfort i would prefer that we resort to one such tiny fib. “ “為了令每個人都滿意,我寧愿我們撒一個小小的謊。”

It is usual to resort to two-dimensional arrays in areas of severe noise problems . 在噪音干擾問題嚴重的地區通常求助于二度組合。

They are obliged to resort to the most ingenious contortions and combinations . 他們卻不能不采取最巧妙的曲解和胡說。

Defeated in that, his enemies resorted to a more devious method . 他的敵人在這方面失敗以后,便采取了更不正當的手法。

They wound those who resort to them worse than their enemies . 它們也能刺傷使用它們的人,比刺傷它們的敵人還會重些。

Some countries had to resort to barter to obtain foreign goods . 一些國家不得不采取以貨易貨的方法以得到外國貨物。

It 's my position that gentlemen should reason thing out rather than resort to force . 我主張君子動口不動手。

The police watched the cafes to which the wanted man was known to resort . 警察監視著那逃犯常去的各個咖啡館。