
resonate vi.(-nated; -nat-ing)1.回響,共鳴...


Early on during a moment of relative quietness , a male fan ' s baritone voice resonated throughout the staples center sellout crowd of 18 , 997 在比賽早期,氣氛還相對安靜,忽然蹦出一個男中音,劃破整個斯臺普斯的上空, 18997名觀眾都聽到了。

And although no two individual shapes or expressions of the sound are exactly alike , we each resonate with the unmistakable echo of our source 盡管沒有兩種個體的外型或表情完全相同,但是在本質上,我們每個人都可以與造化的音流產生共振。

By making and remaking , the designer discovers the hidden qualities that are important , that resonate with both the conscious and unconscious mind 透過設計和再設計,設計者會發現隱含著的重要特質,與有意識和無意識的想法產生共鳴。

That explains why some good foreign movies cannot do well in hk , because they lack the kind of attachment for the audience to resonate 香港這個市場雖不是很大,但是有一定的重要性,可能是香港的明星多,或香港吸引人的地方多。

This design adopt resonate sensor as its temperature sensor , which is a digital sensor with low cost , high precision , high stability 本設計采用的溫度傳感器為諧振式水晶傳感器,它是一種低成本、高精密、高穩定的數字傳感器。

For another , they live a very isolated life in which their own companionship is their main ongoing source of sustenance , as few others resonate 其次,他們過著非常隱居的生活,所做的接觸主要只是日常維生,而這極少會有人共鳴。

Bell is ringing , the new year is coming to me , but my heart flies to you . may our hearts resonate although we can ' t dance together 鐘聲響了,新年向我走來了,我的心兒卻飛向你的身旁,不求同步起舞,只愿心兒合著一個節拍跳動。

No community will see value in any professional code unless the code sets out clearly and resonates with the ethical values of the community 除非有關的專業守則能確實反映出社會的道德價值,否則社會人士未必能夠對此加以認同。

But it doesn t mean that she has an exceptional body code . she is among the sixty - four patterns , each of which resonates to reveal certain information 但是這并不表示無上師的身體數碼很異類,畢竟這也是包含在64種類型之中。

Technical and textiles are two words that when combined resonate with opportunity for a growing number of companies in the textile industry 技術和紡織這兩個詞語一旦結合,在紡織業許多正在發展的公司中就會引起共鳴。

Brings in light and energy , improving the traditional absorbing quality of vinegar , making the body relax and resonate with light and energy 載入光和能量,改變傳統酸醋的收攝特性,讓身體放松,與光和能量共舞。

The cleansing of the human species will be in full swing allowing for a purging of that which resonates not with the continued ascent of earth 人類物種的凈化將完全啟動,以清理那些并不與地球繼續提升的人們。

Releasing the electrical parts through karmic transcendence frees them to move to a creation that resonates and can support their evolution 通過業力超越來釋放所有電性,使其回到與之共鳴與支持其進化的地方。

Their political tunes of justice and solidarity may still sound hollow to some , but they now resonate more widely 他們那些有關正義和團結的政治腔調雖然依舊讓一些人聽來感覺空洞,但他們正獲得更廣泛的共鳴。

That explains why some good foreign movies cannot do well in hk , because they lack the kind of attachment for the audience to resonate 我覺得香港電影若要沖出外面,就既要有親切感,亦要有好的制作條件。

When you find your own unique answer to the question of why you ' re here , you will feel it resonate with you deeply 當你找到一個獨一無二的答案來回答你為什么而存在時,你會感覺到它會與你產生深深的共鳴。

His allure still resonates here , and he received a warm ovation from partisans of both teams when he was announced before the game 他仍然是個洋基人,開賽介紹出場時也受到現場他的死忠球迷溫暖的鼓勵。

I ' m sure some will have a bit of a time resonating with this but most will actually begin to enjoy this new food source 我是確定的一些人將需要一些時期來適應但大致上將實際的開始享受這個新食物來源。

We had one young chiropractor quit and close their practice , as it did not resonate with their ascent any longer 我們有一年輕的脊椎指壓治療者放棄并關張了診所,因為這不再與其提升相共振。