
resolver n.1.下決心者。2.解決者;解答者。3.分解器;【化學...


If your xml documents have references to external entities or external dtds , you can improve the performance of your application by loading these entities into memory using an entity resolver 如果xml文檔包含了對外部實體或外部dtd的引用,那么,通過使用實體分解器將這些實體裝載到內存中,可以提高應用程序的性能。

The interactive resolver displays conflicts one at a time , with a suggested resolution for each conflict based on the resolver specified when the publication and subscription were created 交互式沖突解決程序每次顯示一個沖突,并為每個沖突提出建議的解決方法(基于創建發布和訂閱時指定的沖突解決程序) 。

The technology , status and development of digital to synchro or resolver conversion is expounded in details , some suggestions for the development of its technology and industry are made 摘要綜述了數字式自整角機旋轉變壓器變換技術及國內外現狀和發展;提出了該領域的技術和產業發展的建議與設想。

In this research project we designed some special modules such as synchro / resolver signal transmit & receive card 、 discrete signal output comparison card 、 adi and his adapter cards ect 本課題自行設計制作了同步器信號發送/接收卡、離散量輸出比較板、 adi和his適配器卡等專用功能電路板。

Is the com - based resolver used to resolve conflicts on the table article or the . net framework assembly invoked to execute custom business logic on the table article 基于com的沖突解決程序,用于解決表項目中的沖突或解決調來對表項目執行自定義業務邏輯的. net framework程序集中的沖突。

Represents an implementation of all dns protocols , including name server and resolver library , without which the internet domain name infrastructure is impossible 代表所有dns協議的一個實現,包括名稱服務器和分解器庫,沒有這些不可能出現internet域名基礎結構。

The steering control electronics of the satss uses an 80c196kc microcontroller , a sa8282 spwm generator , and a 19 - bit resolver digital converter ( rdc ) 系統的主控單元為intel80c196kc單片機,采用sa8282spwm波形發生器和19位精度的rdc軸角/數字編碼器。

If the value provided is not one of the microsoft resolvers , sql server uses the specified resolver instead of the system - supplied resolver 如果提供的值并不屬于microsoft沖突解決程序,則sql server將使用指定的沖突解決程序代替系統提供的沖突解決程序。

Bean is wired with a jms connection factory and a jms destination resolver for resolving destination queue names supplied by jms clients through jndi Bean與jms連接工廠和jms目標解析器綁定在一起,用于解析jms客戶機通過jndi提供的目標隊列名。

The closed - loop control is realized by applying ac driving scheme , resolver - to - digital converter system and intelligent pid control strategy 該伺服系統采用交流驅動方案、軸角檢測系統和智能pid控制方案實現了系統的全閉環控制。

Optionally , edit any of the columns displayed in the interactive resolver , and then click one of the following buttons to resolve the conflict 也可編輯交互式沖突解決程序中顯示的任何列,然后單擊下列按鈕之一以解決沖突:

After interactive resolution is enabled , resolve conflicts interactively during synchronization , using the interactive resolver 啟用交互式沖突解決方法后,在同步過程中即可使用交互式沖突解決程序來交互式解決沖突。

The assembly resolver attempts to locate the assembly , based on assembly information such as the name and version number 程序集沖突解決程序將根據程序集信息(如名稱和版本號)嘗試查找程序集。

For the assembly resolver to locate an assembly , the assembly has to be in one of the following locations 為便于程序集沖突解決程序查找程序集,程序集必須位于以下某一位置中:

Gets the path under the base directory where the assembly resolver should probe for private assemblies 獲取相對于基目錄的路徑,在此程序集沖突解決程序應探測專用程序集。

Digital signature on a custom resolver is not verified to determine if it is from a trusted source 不通過驗證自定義沖突解決程序的數字簽名來確定該簽名是否來自可信來源。

Your final step is to register an entity resolver that looks up entity references on the current classpath 最后一步是注冊在當前類路徑中查找實體引用的實體解析器。

Digital signature on a custom resolver is verified to determine if it is from a trusted source 通過驗證自定義沖突解決程序的數字簽名來確定該簽名是否來自可信來源。

In jxta lingo ; the resolver binds the reference to an implementation at run time )間接地引用對方,對等組、管道或服務;在運行期間,解析器把引用捆綁到實現上。