
resolvent adj.【醫、化】使分解的;有溶解力的;消散性的。n.1...


The cooperating design of software and hardware , anti - interface and system - reliability design are also presented in this paper . in addition , the problems and resolvents of software and hardware development are put forward and analyzed 在對這幾種算法做了比較分析后,通過分析和實驗篩選出了一套適合本套系統的算法,并且在實際應用中取得了很好的效果。

An iterative algorithm for a class of set - valued mixed variational inequalities is presented by means of resolvent operators of set - valued mappings , and the convergence of the iterative algorithm is discussed 摘要利用集值映射的預解算子,提出了求解一類集值混合變分不等式問題的迭代算法,并討論了該算法的收斂性,推廣了已有文獻的結果。

After that the author analyzes the experimentation of the 380 - voltage lab sample . makes a summarization about the problems and resolvents in the experimentation . and give the result of the experimentation with diagram 繼而對已經進行的380伏樣機試驗的一些情況進行了分析,總結試驗中遇到的問題和解決方法,并用圖表給出了試驗結果。

Some new predictor - corrector methods and three - steps iterative algorithms for solving multivalued general mixed quasi - variational inequalities is presented by using the auxiliary principle and resolvent operator technique , respectively 利用輔助原理和預解算子技巧,提出了解一般混合集值擬變分不等式的預估-校正算法和三步迭代算法。

The resolvent of qwdw is brought forward , after the trait of qwdw was analyzed . the management platform is provided after qwdw was cons tructed . the last chapter is summary and vista 第五章分析僑務數據倉庫的特點,提出了僑務數據倉庫的解決方案,并實現了整個部門級僑務數據倉庫的建造,提供了僑務數據倉庫的管理和dss應用平臺。

At the time of researching the principle of parallel - to - serial convert and digital - to - analog convert , this article analyzes characteristics of the high speed circuit , the problem of the circuit and the resolvent of the problem 本文在研究高速數據復接與d a轉換基本原理的同時,分析了高速電路的特點、存在的問題以及解決措施。

The resolvent to this problem supplied theories basis and technical support for the intellectualized virtual navigation based on the web , also accumulated experience for the realizing of 3d city 對于本課題的研究可以為進一步開發基于網絡的具有完全智能化的虛擬導航提供理論基礎和技術支持,也為以后實現完整的數字城市積累經驗。

There are some problems of employee flow in the state - owned enterprises . to solve these problems , the author tries to use the flow theory finding out the causes , then putting forward the resolvent 本文針對國有企業員工流動存在問題,運用人力資源的流動理論,查找出問題原因,并從企業角度和人力資源管理角度提出解決方案。

At the same time , the relation between the villager committee and the country party branch also is in face of difficult problem , whose resolvent is to set up a villager representative conference system 而在村政一級,村民委員會與村黨支部的關系也面臨挑戰,建立完善的村民代表會議制度或許是協調二者關系的一個途徑。

The paper analyses cfd commercial soft in - depth , puts forward some problems when cfd commercial softs are used in he underground excavation cluster of hydropower station and corresponding resolvent 本文首先對目前常用的cfd商用軟件進行了深入地分析,并提出了其在地下電站應用中的一些問題以及相應的解決方法。

Accordingly , the technique for distributed database ca n ' t be used in mobile comuting completely . the studies of the mobile database provide some resolvents to the questions 目前,移動數據庫的關鍵技術主要包括復制與緩存技術、數據廣播、移動查詢處理、移動事務處理以及人機界面和數據安全技術。

Using techniques of resolvent formula of - subdifferential operators and auxiliary principle , we presented the existence and uniqueness of the solution of a class of variational inequalities 運用-次微分算子的預解式技術和輔助原理技術給出了?類似變分不等式問題解的存在性和唯一性。

Abstract : the present paper presents a new type of extension of markov process , which is , the condition of markov process as well as q process , and the expression of resolvent operator 文摘:提出一種新型的馬氏過程延拓,同時給出了這種延拓既是馬氏過程又是q過程的條件及預解算子的表達式

This thesis brings forward a fire - new resolvent to uniform search of different platforms and isomerous data source in the course of developing digital libraries of all colleges 本課題對各高校數字圖書館建設過程中出現的對異構平臺、異構數據源的統一檢索問題提出了一個全新的解決方案。

The concepts of the global ( local ) resolvent - type error bounds for set - valued quasi variational inclusions are presented , which can be used to analyze the convergence rates of various methods 摘要提出了集值擬變分包含的全局預解類誤差界的概念,給出集值擬變分包含的全局預解類誤差界。

All in all , author demonstrates the cause of formation , characters , rules and resolvents of work / family balance in career management on the whole in this paper 通過前后共六章的研究,本文初步論證了職業生涯管理中的“工作?家庭平衡問題”的成因、性質、發展規律和解決方法。

So , depending on the abundant information content ( video , audio and text ) , the video meeting system provides a convenient resolvent for holding a meeting at different place 視頻會議系統以其豐富的信息內容(視頻、音頻、文本)為會議的異地召開提供了一種方便的解決之道。

In different cases , we provide corresponding optimization resolvents and excellent service in order to create eximious buildings with modern technology and native traditional culture 我們將先進的設計技術與當地的傳統文化有機的融合在一起,創造出內涵雋永的優秀建筑。

( 2 ) after pointing out the shortages in the actua1 evaluation system , the thesis suggested some resolvents and established an evaluation index system ( 2 )指出了現行評價指標體系中存在的問題,提出了完善和修改方法,建立了新的企業技術中心綜合評價指標體系。