
resolve vt.1.(使)下決心,決議。2.決定;決議。3.使分解...


Resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail what you resolve . 該做的一定要做,要做的一定要做好。

Several mathematicians resolved to bring order out of chaos . 一些數學家決心從這種混沌中整理出一個秩序來。

Geographic distance provided the mechanism for resolving the dispute . 地理上的距離提供了解決爭議的途徑。

Clodius guessed her pique and resolved to profit by it . 她的慍怒可讓克羅狄俄斯給猜中了,他決定從中漁利

The council resolved that the next tournament should be held in shanghai . 理事會決定下次比賽在上海舉行。

Albeit fictional, she seemed to have resolved the problem . 雖然是虛構的,但是在她看來好象是解決了問題。

She was resolved to show herself worthy of her good fortune . 她決心要表示出她是承受得起這份鴻運的。

She was resolved . 她已經橫下一條心。

The light is resolved by prisms, gratings, or by an interferometer . 光線用棱鏡、光柵或干涉儀分解。

From that moment she resolved to trace the unknown element . 從那日起,她決心找出這種未知的元素。

She resolved to impart a gently domestic air to the scene . 她決定在當時的場景中加添些家庭氣氛。

He resolved at last to brave the lioness in her den . 最后,他決定斗膽到獅穴里去會會那只母獅子。

She now resolved to keep harriet no longer in the dark . 現在她決定不再把赫蕊埃特悶在葫蘆里了。

I resolved to treat him in a style of more severity myself . 我決計自己出馬,拿出點利害給他看。

What can stop the determined heart and resolved will of man ? 什么能阻擋住人類的決心和意志呢?

It was a fatal resolve . 這是個不幸的決定。

He resolved to turn this situation to his own purposes . 他決心利用這種形勢來達到自己的目的。

I resolved to give up smoking . 我決心戒煙了。

She had resolved to make a pet of her little cousin . 她已經決定把她的小表弟當作一個寵兒。