
resolvable adj.1.可解析的;可溶解的。2.可解決的。


However , multipath components can be resolvable due to the autocorrelation of the spread spectrum signal , thus the optimal receiver equals coherent rake reception , i . e . maximum ratio combining the independent components which endure flat fading or frequency non - selective fading . synchronization of pn code and separation of resolvable multipath components need to estimate the exact time delay among the multipath components 但是利用擴頻信號的自相關特性,可分辨多徑可以被有效分離,最優接收機等效為對多個具有獨立平坦衰落信道(或頻率非選擇性信道)特性的多徑信號進行最大比合并,即相干rake接收。

This paper firstly reviews the developing history of five provincial party newspapers in the ethnic minority autonomous region , appraising its status and function , caring about its extension on the internet ; then analysising its distribution , advertisement and newspaper - layout emphatically . on the basis of the relatively comprehensive understanding of the present situation of five provincial party newspapers in the ethnic minority autonomous region , the predicament and it ' s internal and external reasons are analysised comprehensivly . at last , according to the actually developing situation of the western ethnic minority autonomous regions , this paper offers its resolvable ways to shake off the present predicament under the background of the commercialization of the newspaper industry for five provincial party newspapers in the ethnic minority autonomous region in six aspects such as the exploitation of the journalism resources , the mechanism of human resour ces , distribution , advertisement , the newspaper websites , the new principal competitive ability of the newspaper and the supportive policy aiming at the actual situation of the ethnic minority areas by the government 文章首先對五區(省)級黨報的發展狀況進行了回顧,對五區(省)級黨報的地位和作用進行了評價,關注了新時期五區(省)級黨報在網絡上的延伸;然后對五區(省)級黨報的發行、廣告和版面進行了重點分析,在比較全面了解五區(省)級黨報現狀的基礎上分析了五區(省)級黨報面臨的困境及導致困境形成的內外部原因;最后充分結合西部五個少數民族自治區的實際發展情況,從新聞資源開發、用人機制、發行廣告、報紙網站、構建報紙新的核心競爭力以及針對民族地區實際情況的國家扶持政策制定等方面對五區(省)級黨報在報業市場化大背景下如何走出困境提出了自己的看法。

Referring to the characteristic of different density among the nodes in the routing network , an algorithm of loop network partition is presented , in which the whole network is hierarchically divided into several resolvable sub - networks , and an fast algorithm for calculating multiple detected nodes is also devised 針對版圖線網網絡關聯密集度不均衡的特點,本文提出了一種層次化網絡分割算法,將全局網絡按層次分割成可求解子網,并利用等效子網算法實現多觀測點快速計算。

In wcdma system which uses direct sequence to spread spectrum , the spread spectrum code ( pn code ) phase of the receiver must be synchronized with that of the received signal precisely to despread and demodulate the signal correctly . multipath channel exists in the mobile communication environment for the radio signal reflection by obstacles between transmitters and receivers . by using the autocorrelation of the spread sprectrum code , rake receiver can process received signals and therefore multipath components can be resolvable 在wcdma系統中,為正確解擴解調接收到的擴頻信號,接收機本地產生的擴頻碼( pn碼)相位必須和接收信號中的擴頻碼相位完全同步;同時移動通信環境中的傳輸信號由于接收機和發射機之間的直達路徑有可能被建筑物或其他障礙物所阻礙,總是經過折射或反射的多條路徑后才到達接收機,從而產生多徑信道。

This dissertation put forward a resolvable means of integrating into firewall and ids to protect network security . that is the design and implement of ipv6 firewall in linux 本文提出了一種基于linux的防火墻和入侵檢測技術( ids )相結合來保證網絡安全的解決方案,即在linux系統下ipv6防火墻的設計與實施。

The definition on the application diagram and any references to it on system diagrams appear with a red dashed outline and will not be resolvable 應用程序關系圖上的定義以及系統關系圖上對它的任何引用的周圍都會出現一個紅色虛線輪廓,并且此問題將無法解決。

You can often write pointcuts this way by only using class names in a statically resolvable context such as in a field signature or type pattern 只需在像字段簽名或者類型模式這樣的靜態可解析的上下文中使用類名就可得到這樣的切點。

But it also suffers from some flaws in approach , which may not be resolvable with any amount of tweaking 但是,對于方法上的一些缺陷,不管如何挽回,都是無法解決的。

Resolvable references to other gbeans are accessed through a dynamically generated invoker proxy 到其他gbean的可解析引用是通過動態生成的調用器代理訪問的。

Gbean 2 is a resolvable reference , and geronimo dynamically generates an invoker proxy Gbean 2是可解析的引用,而geronimo動態生成了一個調用器代理。

Standard test method for minimum resolvable temperature difference for thermal imaging systems 熱成像系統用可分辨的最小溫度差的試驗方法

A resolvable way of the public service 公共服務的解決之道

Embeddings of resolvable 4 - cycle systems 中定型矩陣擬合的數值梯度方法

This mixture is resolvable into two simple substances 這兩混合物可分解成兩種單一的物質。

This difficulty should be easily resolvable 這個困難應該是可容易解決的。

Construction of cyclically resolvable cyclic kirkman triple systems 循環系的嵌入