
resolution n.1.決心,果斷;堅定,剛毅。2.(議會等的)決定,決...


He called for a spirit of resolution and sacrifice to meet the many challenges of the times . 他呼吁以果斷與犧牲的精神來應付當前的許多批評。

He gave a flat assurance that they would introduce no resolution in the security council . 他直截了當地保證他們不會在安理會提出任何決議案。

I urged that any resolution should not assess blame for the outbreak of hostilities . 我極力要求,任何決議都不要對爆發敵對行動而追究責任。

The resolution of white light into its separate monochromatic components is called dispersion . 這種白光分解為各單色成分的現象叫做色散。

Its accuracy and optical resolution may be influenced by atmospheric absorption bands . 它的精密度和光學分辨力將受大氣中吸收頻帶的影響。

No resolutions would be tabled, much less voted on, for quite some time . 在相當一段時間里還不會有任何決議案提出來,更談不上付諸表決。

Aware of these pitfalls, this year i attempted to keep my resolutions to myself . 鑒于這些經驗教訓,今年我不把自己的決心告訴任何人。

This type of gauge has a strain resolution of approximately 40 micro-inches per inch . 這類應辨計的應度分辨能力約為40微英寸英寸。

The resolution as formally passed was one of condemnation rather than censure . 正式通過的那項決議應該是譴責案而不是不信任投票案。

The resolution of an etching process is a measure of the fidelity of pattern transfer . 刻蝕工藝的分辨率是圖形轉移保真度的量度。

In new york stevenson felt that we should vote for the afro-asia resolution . 在紐約,史蒂文森認為我們應對亞非國家提案投贊成票。

She showed an immense resolution and spirit on her part, and boxed his ears soundly . 她胸有成竹,火冒三丈,狠狠打了他一記耳光。

She was in fact summoning up her resolution to meet her father if he were at home . 她正在下定決心去和父親見面,要是他在家的話。

We also make the fundamental error of announcing our resolutions to everybody . 我們所犯的根本性錯誤是把我們的決心向大家宣布。

Hope? no, not yet, he told himself-merely a growing resolution . 是希望嗎?不是,還不是,他心里想--只是漸漸增強的決心而已。

The successive approximation converter is of medium speed, and average resolution . 逐次逼近式轉換器具有中等的速度和分辨率。

This resolution he evidently meant to apply to fiction rather than journalism . 他這個決心顯然是指寫小說,而不是指報刊文章。

The draft resolution called for the dissolution of the united nations command in korea . 決議草案要求解散駐朝鮮的聯合國軍。

The resolution passed at the last meeting produced a great effect outside . 上次會議所作出的決定在外界引起了很大的反響。