
resolute adj.堅決的,毅然的;堅定的。n.堅定的人,果敢的人。...


But he curbed it , i think , as a resolute rider would curb a rearing steed 但他把它控制住了,我想就像一位堅定的騎手勒住了騰起的馬一樣。

Americans are a resolute people who have risen to every test of our time 美國人民具有堅強的信念,曾奮起迎接我們時代的每一次考驗。

There was no room a lingering look , but a resolute departure of a stone heart man 所以不會再有眷顧的目光,只有壯士一去的無情。

The chinese government is firm and resolute in fighting ipr violations 中國政府打擊知識產權違法行為是堅定不移和毫不手軟的。

To resolute and perfect china ' s public servant system by the international experience 改革與完善我國公務員制度之國際借鑒

Be resolute , fear no sacrifice and surmount every difficulty to win victory 下定決心,不怕犧牲,排除萬難,去爭取勝利。

She thought him kind , brave , resolute , manly , and magnanimous 她仿佛覺得他很慈善英勇堅定豁達,而且富有男子氣概。

Demanded a resolute - looking man in authority , who was summoned out by the guard 衛兵叫來的一個神色堅毅的負責人間。

Reuben j . a florin i find him . he fixes the manhole with a resolute stare 一手接著胸骨,深打一躬那是呂便杰。

This resolute focus on inflation has been brave and well judged 對通脹的緊咬不放顯示了(他的)勇氣和判斷力。

Both men may need to be still more resolute in the near future 在不久的將來兩位首腦也許需要更加的堅定。

Smile when you say yes ; be clear and resolute when you say no 答應請求時面帶微笑,說不的時候清晰肯定

I am a very patient and resolute man 我是一個耐心,堅定的人

Resolute economic and financial policies 堅定的經濟及金融政策

Be resolute in correcting your mistakes 做事要穩,改錯要狠。

He is resolute in his demands for peace 他是個意志堅決的人。

He was resolute in carrying out his plan 他執行計劃是堅決的。

“ forgive me , sir , “ said franz in a resolute tone “寬恕我,閣下, ”弗蘭茲用一種堅決的口氣說。

He fixes the manhole with a resolute stare 你的智慧瘤子長在哪邊?