
resole vt.給(鞋)換底[換前掌]。


Among the 63 patients in whom 3 - month postsurgery imaging data were aailable , asymptomatic small pseudomeningoceles were detected on mr imaging in two ( 3 . 2 % ) ; a minor subgaleal fluid collection , which resoled spontaneously , was apparent in another patient ( 1 . 6 % ) 63例患者術后3月成像時間均是明確的,磁共振檢查發現2例( 3 . 2 % )無癥狀患者小的假性脊膜膨出、 1例( 1 . 6 % )明顯的較少的帽狀鍵膜下積液(通過自動吸收) 。

By using time - resoled fmri , we can see its signature in the brain , ” he continued . “ these findings allow us to really now focus on this set of brain areas and to understand why these areas cannot process two tasks at once 通過使用實時功能核磁共振成像,可以看到大腦中的相關信號, ”他繼續說道, “這些發現允許我們真正對這一系列大腦區域集中注意力,并進一步研究為什么這些區域不能夠同時處理兩件任務。 ”

In another child , who had been successfully treated for 2 years , discontinuation of gabapentin also led to a recurrence of symptoms . the symptoms resoled when therapy was restarted 另外一個兒童,應用該種藥物成功地控制了疾病達兩年之久,終止該藥物的使用后同樣導致了患者疾病癥狀的復發。而一旦重新應用這種藥物后,這些癥狀再次消失。

This paper begins with the present jadeite market analysis , reveals the causes of internal problems , analyses the countermeasures to resole these problems . and forecasts the development trend of jadeite market 本文試圖從目前翡翠市場分析入手,揭示存在問題,分析其原因并提出解決思路,進而預則翡翠市場的未來發展態勢及市場機會。

In another child , who had been successfully treated for 2 years , discontinuation of gabapentin also led to a recurrence of symptoms . the symptoms resoled when therapy was restarted 還有一個孩子已經成功治療兩年,加巴噴丁停藥也導致了癥狀復發。當治療重新開始時癥狀又得到控制。

Noartis ' s own studies show that it is only 5 percent to 10 percent more effectie than placebos at resoling the symptoms of constipation - related irritable bowel syndrome in women 諾華自己的研究顯示,在消除女性便秘相關的腸易激綜合征的癥狀時僅有5到10比安慰劑更有效。

When multiple tags are transmitting data simultaneity within reader ' s scope , that will occurs a collision . in order to resole this problem , we must use multiple access protocols 在射頻識別系統中的閱讀器作用范圍內,有多個應答器應答要求通信而發生碰撞問題。

In all 4 patients , sirolimus - induced pneumonitis resoled following cessation of therapy but took weeks to months for complete recoery 發生西羅莫司誘發性肺炎的4名病人均停止使用西羅莫司,但病人在數周到數月之后才完全恢復。

As for the previous qin dynasty ' s research , the study of xia dynasty have made progeress , yet many problens haven ' t stllt been resoled 摘要就先秦史斷代研究來說,夏史研究雖取得一些進展,但有許多問題尚未解決。

Xenotransplantation using pigs as the transplant source has the potential to resole the seere shortage of human organ donors 豬作為最具潛力的異種供器官源可以解決人類供器官嚴重短缺的問題。

Schools can provide more time to finish texts ( tasks ) and resoles ( resources ) like help in taking goals ( notes ) 學校可以提供更多的時間去完成作業和對做筆記有幫助的資源。

Any discrepancy arising during the execution of this contract , should be resoled through mutual negotiation 在執行合同期間所產生的任何分歧,應通過雙方的協商解決。

Complexation reaction between boric acid and resole phenol - formaldehyde resin and the structure of the complexes 硼酸與甲階酚醛樹脂的配位反應及配合物的結構