
resistless adj.1.不可抗的;不可避免的。2.不抵抗的;無抵抗力...


Yet in the interval since crick s last view of them something had occurred which changed the pivot of the universe for their two natures ; something which , had he known its quality , the dairyman would have despised , as a practical man ; yet which was based upon a more stubborn and resistless tendency than a whole heap of so - called practicalities 可是自從克里克老板上次看見他們已來的一段時間里,發生了一件事,因為他們的天性而把宇宙的中心改變了。這件事就它的性質而論,要是讓那個講究實際的老板知道了,一定會瞧不起的但是那件事卻不是以一大堆所謂的實際為基礎的,而是以更加頑強和不可抗拒的趨向為基礎的。

This was cowardly : i should have appealed to your nobleness and magnanimity at first , as i do now - opened to you plainly my life of agony - described to you my hunger and thirst after a higher and worthier existence - shown to you , not my resolution that word is weak , but my resistless bent to love faithfully and well , where i am faithfully and well loved in return . then i should have asked you to accept my pledge of fidelity and to give me yours . jane - give it me now 這其實是怯懦,我應當像現在這樣,先求助于你的高尚心靈和寬宏大度直截了當地向你傾吐生活中的苦惱一向你描述我對更高級和更有價值的生活的渴求不是向你表示決心這字眼太弱了而是不可抵御的愛意,也即是在被別人忠貞不二地深愛著的時候,我也那么去愛別人,隨后我應當要求你接受我忠貞的誓言,也要求你發誓:簡一現在就對我說吧。 ”

Indomitable , never resting , fighting for seconds and minutes all week , circumventing delays and crushing down obstacles , a fount of resistless energy , a high - driven human motor , a demon for work , now that he had accomplished the week s task he was in a state of collapse 他整個禮拜都不可錢勝,為爭分奪秒而奮斗著,從不休息,消滅著耽誤粉碎著障礙。他是一股清泉,流瀉出無可抗拒的力量,是一部高功率的活馬達,一個干活的魔鬼。

So resistless was the force of the ocean bearing him on , that even to draw his breath or turn his head was as impracticable as if he had been struggling in the surf at the south sea , until he was landed in the outer court - yard of the bastille 席卷著他的人潮勢不可當,就連吸一口氣轉一轉頭都困難,仿佛是在南太平洋的狂濤里掙扎。他終于來到巴士底監獄外面的場院里。

Research of the dynamic characteristics of reinforced earth structure has become a resistless important task when the express highway and express railway are built and the reinforced earth retaining walls are widely applied 然而,隨著公路、鐵路的提速及加筋土擋土結構的應用領域的拓寬,對加筋土擋上結構進行動力方在的研究已成為一個不可回避的重要課題。