
resistant adj.抵抗的;耐久的,穩定的。n.抵抗者;有抵抗力的東...


Corrosion - resistant cast steels for general applications 一般用途的耐腐蝕鑄鋼

It is extremely resistant to chemicals and solvents 此系統絕對耐化學及溶劑腐蝕。

Fire resistant design of reinforced concrete structure 鋼筋混凝土結構火災研究綜述

Thermal resistant aluminium alloy steel - reinforced conductor 耐熱鋼芯鋁金絞線

Pet heat - resistant polyethylene terephthalate bottle 熱灌裝用聚對苯二甲酸乙二醇酯

Design value of earthquake - resistant strength of materials 材料抗震強度設計值

Lumianyanl8 , a new pest - resistant cotton variety 多抗逆性棉花新品種魯棉研18號

Corrosion - resistant steel castings for general applications 一般用途耐蝕鋼鑄件

Screening of fungi producing heat - resistant lassase 一株產耐高溫漆酶真菌的篩選

A collusion - resistant public - key traitor tracing scheme 加密系統的叛逆者追蹤方案

Horology . method of testing water - resistant watches 鐘表業.手表的防水試驗方法

Specification for unified corrosion - resistant steel washers 耐腐蝕鋼統一墊圈規范

The simplified design methodology of slide - resistant pile 抗滑樁設計的簡化方法

Weather - resistant polyolefin - covered wire and cable 抗風化聚烯烴包覆電線和電纜

Fire resistant busbar trunking systems fire resistant busways 耐火母線干線系統

Acid alkali resistant and corrosion resistant coatings 耐酸鹼、重防蝕涂料。

There was worry that a mutation could occur in the disease which would make the disease virulent enough to attack clones hitherto regarded as resistant . 麻煩的事是病原菌可能發生突變,以致病害變得更厲害,使原來是抗病的無性系也能感染。

Sensitive varieties apparently respire mainly by the glycolysis pathway whereas resistant varieties depend more on the pentose phosphate pathway . 顯然敏感品種的呼吸主要通過糖酵解途徑,而抗性品種比較依賴戊糖磷酸途徑。

Selection of resistant forms in old systems could even be detrimental under certain conditions by disturbing the equilibrium . 在年老的系統中,抗性類型的選擇,在某些情況下由于破壞了平衡,甚至可能是有害的。