
resistance n.1.抵抗,反抗,抗拒,抵御;敵對,抵抗力,反抗力,阻...


I do not think so , either , but my resistance to germs is high . 我也不這樣認為,但是我對病菌的抵抗力很高。

Such resistance categories are arbitrary and vaguely delineated . 這些對抗種類的描述是主觀的和含糊不清的。

“was there no resistance anywhere?“ the mayor went on hopelessly . “各處都沒有抵抗嗎?”市長很失望地問。

In the prosecution of his duties he had met with a good deal of resistance . 他在執行職務中遇到許多阻力。

Bacterial transposons carry genes encoding antibiotic resistance . 細菌轉座子可以攜帶對抗生素的抗性基因。

Resistance of weeds to certain herbicides is beginning to show up . 雜草對某些除草劑的抗藥性已顯現出來。

The basket and pan types cause an increased resistance to flow . 吊籃和平盤式取樣器加大了對水流的阻力。

He called upon workers to occupy their factories and mount resistance . 他號召工人占領工廠,加緊抵抗。

The resistance is halved if the cross-sectional area is doubled . 如果截面積增加一倍,則電阻減少一半。

By september, the backbone of japanese resistance had been broken . 到了九月,日軍抵抗的主力已經崩潰。

Compute specific resistance of all samples as indicated in step 5 . 如步驟5所示,計算全部試樣的比阻。

Resistor offers resistance to the flow of electrical current . 電阻器起著對電流流動的阻礙作用。

Cia had entirely disregarded the resistance groups . 中央情報局完全沒有把這些抵抗組織放在眼里。

Resistance to insecticides has been apparent for many decades . 殺蟲劑抗藥性的出現已有數十年。

After a stubborn resistance the enemy was fought off at last . 敵人頑強抵抗,但終于被擊退了。

They offered no resistance . 他們沒有抵抗。

All organisms display some degree of general resistance . 一切有機體都有某種程度的一般抗性。

They called back their exiles and prepared for resistance . 他們召回流亡在外的人,準備抵抗。

The knowledge flowed through him without resistance . 這清醒的意識暢行無阻地通遍了他的全身。