
resist vt.1.抵抗,反抗,抗拒,敵對,抵御,阻止,擊退(敵人...


She lingered, and resisted my persuasions to departure a tiresome while . 她躊躇不去,我好說歹說地勸她走,她就是不聽。

There were too many men resisting his authority thwarting him . 下邊對他這個長官心懷不服的,故意作對的,可多著哩。

The enemy tried to resist desperately but lost a large number of guns and men . 敵人企圖負隅頑抗,但卻損失慘重。

The fellow could never resist the temptation to be melodramatic, walden thought . 這家伙總想一鳴驚人,沃爾登想。

He observed that no virtue was able to resist his arts and assiduity . 他說,什么道德都抵制不了他的手段和殷勤。

Madame lamotte would never resist this prospect for her daughter . 拉摩特太太決計不會拒絕自己女兒的這種機會。

The atomic particles resist being accelerated past the velocity of light . 這些原子粒子無法被加快到超過光速。

Flora manhood resisted the temptation to contemplate her own body . 弗洛拉曼胡德按捺住欣賞自己身體的誘惑。

A hercules could not have resisted a similar outbreak of enthusiasm . 哪怕是個大力士也抗不了這樣的興奮啊。

I could not resist trying to go just once round in vincenti's fashion . 我禁不住學著文森特的樣子旋轉一圈。

Unhappily, forbes could not resist the temptation to make money on the side . 不幸,福布斯禁不住從中謀利。

Mrs tremaine, wrought up, could resist an unusual asperity . 屈里曼太太被惹上氣來,忍不住尖銳地頂她一句。

A solution which resists ph changes is known as a buffer solution . 能夠阻止pH值變化的溶液稱為緩沖溶液。

The public-house had a fascination for him which he could not resist . 酒店對他有一種魔力,他抗拒不了。

Unite to resist japan ! 聯合抗日!

I have been unable to resist the temptation to include a final chapter . 我覺得很有必要增加最后一章。

History will not record that i resisted many grants of authority . 歷史將會證明我不曾多次拒絕授權。

His limbs resisted . 他的兩腿僵住了。

Some glass of this type is strong enough to resist bullets . 這類玻璃中有些十分堅固,足以抵擋子彈。