
resinous adj.1.樹脂質的;含樹脂的;用樹脂做的。2.〔罕用語...


The shellac erythrophyll is from the parasitism the resinous substance shellac which in places the such as india , thailand , burma , china leguminosae , on the mulberry branch plant s lac insect secretes with the thin sodium carbonate watery solution extract fine but , assumes the reddish purple color either the bright red powder or the liquid , by shellac acid a and shellac acid b , c , e and so on is composed , serves as the edible erythrophyll , when the acidity assumes the orange , is extremely stable 紫膠紅紫膠紅色素是從寄生于印度、泰國、緬甸、中國等地的豆科、桑科植物上的紫膠蟲所分泌的樹脂狀物質紫膠用稀碳酸鈉水溶液萃取精致而得,呈紅紫色或鮮紅色粉末或液體,由紫膠酸a和紫膠酸b 、 c 、 e等組成,用作食用紅色素,酸性時呈橙色,非常穩定。

In the other way , paper build a new model . paper make a deep resinous on road face quality judgment by making use of advanced way of intelligence model building ( neural network , vague logic way . i . e ) , and these models are better in manipulate nature , and higher in forecasting precision 論文利用目前國際上前沿性的智能建模方法(神經網絡、模糊邏輯方法等)就路面性能評價模型進行了較為深入的研究,所得到的模型在科學性和可操作性上都較強,預測精度較高。

The most common means of consuming herbal and resinous cannabis is to smoke roll - up cigarettes . the cigarettes are made from commercially available papers and can be rolled either by hand or by means of a rolling machine 以自制卷煙吸食大麻草和大麻精是濫用這兩類大麻最常用的方法,卷煙用的紙張在市面上有售,買后可利用人手或機器將大麻卷成香煙。

Resin based reactive compounds used for electrical insulation - specifications for individual materials - quartz filled epoxy resinous compounds - sheet 2 : quartz filled epoxy resinous compounds 電氣絕緣用樹脂基反應性復合物.單項材料規范.填石英的環氧樹脂復合物.第2活頁:填石英的環氧樹脂復合物

Resin based reactive compounds used for electrical insulation - specifications for individual materials - unfilled epoxy resinous compounds - sheet 1 : unfilled epoxy resinous compounds 電氣絕緣用樹脂基反應性復合物.單項材料規范.未加填料的環氧樹脂復合物.第1活頁:未加填料的環氧樹脂復合物

Specification for solventless polymerisable resinous compounds used for electrical insulation . part 3 : specifications for individual materials . sheet 11 : epoxy resin - based coating powders 電氣絕緣用無溶劑可聚合樹脂化合物規范.第3部分:單項材料規范.第11活頁:環氧樹脂基粉末涂料

Resin based reactive compounds used for electrical insulation - part 3 : specifications for individual materials - sheet 2 : quartz filled epoxy resinous compounds iec 60455 - 3 - 2 : 2003 ; german version en 60455 - 3 - 2 : 2003 電氣絕緣用樹脂基反應性復合物.第3部分:單項材料規范

Resin based reactive compounds used for electrical insulation - part 3 : specifications for individual materials - sheet 1 : unfilled epoxy resinous compounds iec 60455 - 3 - 1 : 2003 ; german version en 60455 - 3 - 1 : 2003 電絕緣用樹脂基反應性復合物.第3部分:單項材料規范

He thought a moment , cut a branch of a resinous tree , lighted it at the fire at which the smugglers had prepared their breakfast , and descended with this torch 他想了一下,砍下一條多脂的樹枝,在走私販子們準備早餐的火堆上點燃了它,然后舉著這支火把又下到洞里。

Specification for solventless polymerisable resinous compounds used for electrical insulation . part 2 : methods of test . test methods for coating powders for electrical purposes 電氣絕緣用無溶劑可聚合樹脂復合物規范.第2部分:試驗方法.電工用涂敷粉末試驗方法

Chitosan film is an excellent antibacterial material and whey isolate has excellent barrier property to oxygen , aromatic substances , and resinous substance 殼聚糖薄膜是優良的抗菌性包裝材料,乳清分離蛋白薄膜對氧氣、芳香類和脂類物質的阻隔性非常好。

Specification for solventless polymerisable resinous compounds used for electrical insulation specifications for individual materials unsaturated polyester impregnating resins 電氣絕緣用無溶劑可聚合樹脂復合物規范.單項材料規范.不飽和聚酯浸漬樹脂

Mondell ap - mma series including some component of pmma , increases its physical and chemic capability through pulsing standard resinous board 蒙代爾復合亞克力系列,也叫ap - mma板,含有亞克力成分,在標準樹脂板的基礎上大大的提高了物理性能和化學性能。

Any of several tropical american trees of the genusamyris , especially a . balsamifera , having resinous wood that burns with a torchlike flame 火炬木,松明木:一種產于美洲的熱帶喬木,脂檀屬,特別指欖香紫檀,其樹枝可燃,形成火把一樣的光芒

Resin based reactive compounds used for electrical insulation - part 3 : specifications for individual materials - sheet 1 : unfilled epoxy resinous compounds 電氣絕緣用樹脂基活性化合物.第3部分:專用材料規范.第1活頁:無填充環氧樹脂化合物

Solventless polymerisable resinous compounds used for electrical insulation - specification for individual materials - epoxy resin - based coating powders 電絕緣不溶可聚合樹脂化合物.第3部分:各型材料規范.第11節:環氧樹脂基涂層粉末

Both herbal and resinous cannabis are usually trafficked in small portions either contained in small zip lock bags or wrapped in plastic cling film 通常,大麻草和大麻精都是以小型密實袋或保鮮紙包裝,然后以小量形式發售。

Material characterisation - part 1 : compounds for use in cable accessories : resinous compounds before cure and in the cured state ; german version hd 631 . 1 . s1 : 1998 材料特性.第1部分;電纜附件中用的混合料.固化前和固

An exceptionally hot summer , following a winter drought , has made the resinous pine forests particularly flammable 一個格外酷熱的夏天,加上一個干燥的冬天,已經使飽含樹脂的松樹林變得極度易燃。