
resin n.樹脂;松脂;樹脂狀沉淀物。 resin opal 【...


Strongly acidic styrene type cation exchange resins 強酸性苯乙烯系陽離子交換樹脂

They are made of a common plastic resin 它們是用一種普通的塑料合成樹脂做成的。

1 . 2 . small wheel : resin and ceramic diamond cbn 1 .小砂輪:樹脂法瓷質法鉆石cbn

Strongly basic styrene type anion exchange resins 強堿性苯乙烯系陰離子交換樹脂

Study of phenolic resin modified by carbon nanotubes 碳納米管改性酚醛樹脂的研究

Design of activated carbon fibers epoxy resin composites 樹脂復合吸波材料的設計

Epoxide resins - determination of total chlorine content 環氧樹脂總氯含量測定方法

Studies of aminoacylase immobilized on macroporous resin 固定化氨基酰化酶的研究

Suspension polyvinyl chloride resins of generalpurpose 懸浮法通用型聚氯乙烯樹脂

Unsaturated polyester resin - determination of heat stability at 熱穩定性測定方法

Preparation of ternary acrylic resin paint for glass 丙烯酸三元樹脂玻璃漆的研制

The surface of the finished glass has the power to adsorb out of the resin mixture one or more constituent necessary for complete curing of the resin . 處理過的玻璃表面有從樹脂混合物中吸附出一種或幾種組分的能力,而這些組分對樹脂完全固化是很必要的。

It is obviously not possible in the present work to examine in detail the properties of all the thermosetting resins available for casting models . 顯然不可能在本書中對用于澆注模型的所有熱固樹脂的性質進行詳細研究。

New detergents and resins which are introduced on to the textile market are generally accompanied by a new or different effluent . 被引入紡織市場的新的洗滌劑和樹脂通常帶來一種新的或不同的廢水。

Another problem with demineralizers is that small resin particles are often dislodged from the bed and enter the water stream . 用脫礦質器的另一個問題是,小的樹脂粒常常逸出樹脂床而進入水流。

There came the presence of a large number of minute air bubbles resulting from incomplete impregnation of the fibres by the resin . 由于樹脂不能完全滲入到纖維中,因而造成了大量微小的氣泡。

Such thermosetting resins as phenol-formaldehyde resins, ployester resins, and epoxy resins do not belong to this classification . 像酚醛樹脂、聚酯樹脂和環氧樹脂等熱固性樹脂不屬于此類。

However, apart from the technological difficulties of preparation, casting resins affords a further wide field of application . 然而,除了制備工藝的困難外,模澆樹脂有更廣泛的應用范圍。

The coupling agent presumably improves the bond between the glass surface and the resin matrix in a laminate . 偶聯劑的作用是設想能改善層壓板中纖維表面與樹脂基體的粘結。