
resignation n.1.辭職,退職,讓位;辭呈。2.拋棄,斷念。3.(對...


James bond : then you have my resignation , sir 詹姆斯?邦德:我辭職了,長官。

The revelation of his past lead to his resignation 對他過去的揭露導致了他的辭職。

I have made up my mind to send in my resignation 我決心提交我的辭職申請書。

The president ' s resignation was a real zinger 總統的辭退真的是令人震撼的事。

I was completely taken off guard by his resignation 他的辭職令我吃驚得呆若木雞。

Mahathir ' s resignation and malaysian overseas chinese 馬哈蒂爾辭職與馬來西亞華人

His resignation made / caused / created quite a stir 他的辭職引起了相當大的轟動。

His resignation will take effect as of mid - july (他的辭職將自7月中旬生效。 )

Mr odinga is demanding mr kibaki ' s resignation 奧廷加將提出奇貝吉辭職的要求。

That jarvis has still got your letter of resignation 賈維斯還拿著你的辭職信吧

Her sudden resignation completely threw me out 她的突然辭職使我完全地不知所措。

I just got a letter of resignation from the treasurer 我剛剛收到了會計的辭呈。

He is considering resignation ( from the board ) 他正考慮辭去(委員會中的)職務

With these reflections i worked my mind up, not only to resignation to the will of god in the present disposition of my circumstances, but even to a sincere thankfulness for my condition . 通過這樣的反省,我心里便開始堅定下來,不但心平氣和地接受了上帝對我當前處境的安排,甚至對我的現狀懷著一種衷心的感謝。

Whenever her name was mentioned, he shook his head, shrugged his shoulders, and cast up his eyes; which might pass either for an expression of resignation to his fate, or joy at his deliverance . 每逢提起她的名字,他總是搖搖頭,聳聳肩,兩眼看天,他的這種神態,可以看作對命運的屈服,也可以看作對于獲得解放的喜悅。

These statements are lies that have been invented for the purpose of creating in us a feeling of resignation to the evils of our condition . 這些都是捏造的謊言,其目的是想使我們產生一種順從的情緒,聽任惡劣的處境擺布。

Not surprisingly, news of her resignation filtered quickly through the industry and became known to the business press . 毫不奇怪,她辭職的消息很快在工業界傳開,采訪商業新聞的機構也紛紛得知。

Indignant sequoia club members across the nation telegraphed, phoned or mailed their resignations . 全國各地的憤怒的紅杉俱樂部成員紛紛拍電報,打電話,寫信,要求退出俱樂部。

He may know that history is the foe of permanence, but no leader is entitled to resignation . 他可能知道,歷史是不會永久不變的,但是,沒有一個領袖聽天由命。