
resign vt.1.辭去(職務)。2.放棄,拋棄(權利等);讓出(...


By 1971 he resigned as president and assumed the title of chairman . 到1971年,他辭去總裁職務,出任董事長。

I have decided to resign but i would prefer you to keep quiet about it . 我已決定辭職,但我寧愿你保持沉默。

It was better to submit, to resign oneself to the inevitable . 還是屈服,聽任不可避免的命運來擺布的好。

For a few weeks i had seriously considered resigning . 在一連幾個星期的時間里,我一直認真考慮辭職問題。

I shall never ask, never refuse, nor ever resign an office . 我將永不營求,永不拒絕,也永不辭去職務。

All the employees resign because the employer is too unreasonable . 因為老板太不講理,雇員全體辭職。

There was no fear in him, only a resigned acceptance of his fate . 他一點也不害怕,完全聽天由命。

I am resigning as chairman and handing over to my deputy . 我現在辭去主席職位,交由我的副手接替。

He resigns himself to the inevitable, and goes out . 他帶著一副事已至此、無可奈何的樣子走了出去。

Resigning is a very difficult operation to conduct properly . 辭職這件事,要處理得當是很困難的。

I can resign my immortal part to him without misgiving . 我可以毫無恐懼地把我不朽的部分交給他。

Would it surprise you to know that i am thinking of resigning ? 我正考慮辭職,你感到意外嗎?

I did think of resigning , but i decided not to . 我原來確實打算辭職,但后來打消了這個念頭。

With misery i realised that i should have to resign . 我極為難過地認識到自己非辭職不可。

You resigned the place from conscientious scruples . 您辭去那個職位是出于良心上的不安。

I have no notion of resigning . 我沒有辭職的意思。

The minister has indicated that he may resign next year . 該大臣已示意他明年可能辭職。

As most of you know , i have decided to resign . 你們多數人都已經知道,我決定辭職了。

He resigned his seat to a lady . 他給一位女士讓座。