
residuum n.(pl.residua )1.殘余,剩余物;【化學】...


When she came close and looked in she beheld indistinct forms racing up and down to the figure of the dance , the silence of their footfalls arising from their being overshoe in scroff - that is to say , the powdery residuum from the storage of peat and other products , the stirring of which by their turbulent feet created the nebulosity that involved the scene 她走到屋前往里一看,看見一群模糊的人影正按照跳舞的隊形來回奔跑著,然而他們跳舞的腳步卻沒有聲音,因為他們腳底下鋪的是一層軟墊也就是說,鋪了一層堆放土煤和其它產品的煤粉草渣,經過他們混亂腳步的攪動,就揚起一片煙云,籠罩了整個場地。

Practice proves that the shell residuum gasifier with a waste heat boiler based on the partial oxidation process can not only use residuum as its feedstock but also use asphalt , a feedstock of poorer quality , thereby opening up a new feedstock route for the shell gasification process 實踐證明,謝爾渣油部分氧化工藝氣化爐帶廢鍋流程不但可以以渣油為原料,而且能夠以質量更差的瀝青為原料,為謝爾工藝制氣技術開辟了新的原料路線。

It was well known that rq t - norm which rq implication operator residuated to was left - continuous . in fact , any left - continuous t - norm has its own residuum - implication operator . and many - valued system could be obtained from implication operator 事實上,任一左連續t -模都可確定一個與之伴隨的蘊涵算子,并且,不同的蘊涵算子就可以構建不同的多值邏輯系統。

The vibration electrical machinery with the assistant of high pressure water pump to wash is used for getting rid of iron without dead corner and residuum 脫鐵采用振動電機輔助外加高壓水泵進行沖洗,脫鐵無死角、無殘留物。

After elimination of all verbiage , this fact was the only residuum ( john lothrop motley 在剔除所有的贅語之后,剩下的就只有這個事實了(約翰?洛斯魯普?穆特利) 。

Study on process for residuum suspension bed hydrocracking at medium pressure 渣油固定床加氫處理催化劑中試評價與工業應用

The development of atmospheric residuum hydrotreating technology 常壓渣油加氫處理技術的研究開發

In these instances the food is liquid and there is little solid residuum . 在這類例證中,食物是液態的,固體殘渣就很少。