
residue n.殘余,殘渣,余款;【林業】廢材,木屑;【法律】剩余遺...


Determination of pyrethroid residues in tea 茶葉中擬除蟲菊酯類農藥殘留的檢測

Maximum residue limits of fenvalerate in food 食品中氰戊菊酯最大殘留限量標準

Determination of tetracyclines residues in honey 蜂蜜中四環素族抗生素殘留量的測定

Determination of chlorothalonil residues in cucumber 黃瓜中百菌清殘留量的測定

Study on the release of 14c - chlorsulfuron bound residues 綠黃隆結合殘留的釋放研究

Determination of ethylene dibromide residues in grains 糧食中二溴乙烷殘留量的測定

Standard test method for carbon black - sieve residue 炭黑標準試驗方法.篩余物

Crude oil - determination of carbon residue - conradson method 原油殘炭的測定康氏法

Maximum residue limit of evisect thiocyclam in rice 大米中殺蟲環最大殘留限量標準

Rubber latex - determination of coagulum content sieve residue 橡膠膠乳.凝結物

Method for determination of total ash in oilseed residues 油料餅粕總灰分測定法

Maximum residue limits of permethrin in foods 食品中二氯苯醚菊脂最大殘留限量標準

Maximum residue limits of chlorothalonil in foods 食品中百菌清最大殘留限量標準

Rubber latex - determination of coagulum content sieve residue 橡膠膠乳.凝固物

Maximum residue limits of deletamethrin in food 食品中溴氰菊酯最大殘留限量標準

Maximum residue limits of carbofuran in rice grains 稻谷中呋喃丹最大殘留限量標準

Determination of hch and ddt residues in foods 食品中六六六滴滴涕殘留量的測定

Study on bioremediation of pesticide residue in soil 土壤中農藥生物修復技術研究

No chemical residue while germicide and de - toxin 在殺菌解毒過程,無化學殘留物