
residuary adj.殘余的,剩余的;殘渣的;【法律】接受[處理]剩余...


The verify experiment proves that its ratio and phase characteristics are much better than ordinary ones and the precision is enough for measure use . zero - flux current transformer can ’ t obtain absolute zero flux because residuary flux , so when the secondary turns is too small it will not satisfying . to improve the precision further , proposes a method to compensate zero - flux current transformer using capacitance parallel connected coil and deduces it 為了進一步抵消剩余磁通,提高互感器的精度,提出了一種并聯電容線圈補償零磁通的方法,并進行了理論推導,設計了基于該方法的100匝電流互感器,通過校驗證明它可以改善零磁通電流互感器的比差和角差特性,提高互感器的精度,將電流互感器的二次匝數由普通互感器的幾千匝降到了100匝,提高了測量微小電流的能力。

In the process of solving , poles are obtained from recurrent formula , modal vector are obtained from superposition formula not residuary . decoupled equation is derived when vibration source is part correlation , severely coupling appears in the process of input and output then frequency response function cannot directly get according to method mentioned above , decoupling is first problem 當輸入完全相關時,頻響函數無解,可繞過頻響函數,直接運用線性系統的迭加原理來求響應,極點由遞歸公式得出,模態矢量由疊加公式求出,而不是由留數求得的相應的公式。

In the thesis , a good performance is gained with implement four 256 state machines by making good use of residuary block ram in fpga chip . in present dissertation , ts sync flag is got rapid - extract by software and hardware cooperation and whether packet length is 188 or 204 bytes also is distinguished 在硬件實現的過程中,對傳統da算法進行了深入研究,充分利用fpga片內剩余ram塊,實現4個256狀態的狀態機,采用軟硬件協作的方法快速提取同步字節,自動區分包類型是188字節長還是204字節長。

Scrooge was his sole executor , his sole administrator , his sole assign , his sole residuary legatee , his sole friend and sole mourner 他是馬瑞遺囑唯一的指定執行人,唯一的財產指定管理人,唯一的財產讓渡人,唯一的遺產繼承人,唯一的朋友,也是唯一的送葬人。

Residuary gift refers to any assets acquired in the future or assets which fail distribution in clauses 5 - 13 剩余的資產指的是任何在將來(立寫遺囑后)所購買/獲得的資產,及沒有在第5 - 13條款中分配的任何財產。

“ what , “ said the notary , “ do you not intend making mademoiselle valentine de villefort your residuary legatee ? “什么! ”公證人說道, “您并不想立瓦朗蒂娜維爾福小姐做您的遺產繼承人是嗎? ”

Trustee of residuary estate 剩余遺產受托人

Calculating ship residuary resistance coefficient based on the lap - keller chart 船舶剩余阻力系數計算平臺的實現