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residual error 【數學】殘差。

residual oil

A new rectangle box with a center gained by snake model in stead of the minimum bound box was pointed out , which not only benefits the calculation of factor sampling but also fits the real situation by which the real target is tracing ; further a measure based on the edge features of black - white image corresponded to the original image was given out , and the confidential function was given out as well ; a method is advanced to avoid of filter diffusion by using residual error prediction 提出了基于snake分割得到的目標輪廓及其形心確定的外包矩形盒來表示待跟蹤目標,并在包圍盒的對角頂點進行condensation采樣。這種方法不僅有利于因子采樣計算,也符合目標跟蹤是以區域形心來跟蹤的實際情況。提出用背景減除后的二值化圖像中的目標包圍盒作為condensation跟蹤中的測度對比圖,用預測包圍盒同測度圖之間的距離計算樣本權值,并定義了可信度函數。

The solution formula of dwell time is deduced by using the pulse iteration method and the smoothing fourier transition method , and the formula can be simplified referring to workpiece shape . according to the anastomotic status of the tool and workpiece surface , we present the new model of the inherent relation among local pressure density , removal rate , convergence ratio and residual errors , and the corresponding formulas are given . the forming cause of the edge effect in the polishing process is analyzed , and the means which reduces the edge effect is put forward 2 、針對計算機控制光學表面成形( ccos )的加工方式、誤差收斂特點,研制了去除函數呈高斯分布的雙轉子結構研拋模;采用脈沖迭代法、平滑因子傅立葉變換法推導出駐留時間的算法,求解過程中根據工件面形的特點作了各種形式的簡化;提出了工件表面和研拋模的吻合誤差與局部壓強、材料去除率、收斂比之間內在關系的數學模型,并推導出相應的計算公式;分析了邊緣效應產生的原因,在加工過程中采用相對壓力因子對去除函數進行修正,可以消除邊緣效應的影響。

Based on x - filtered lms algorithm and - filtered lms algorithm adaptive inverse control , we use a new variable step size lms algorithm . adding little computation , variable step size lms algorithm can result in fast convergence speed and low residual error simultaneously . the adaptive feedback control can counteract the beginning error of the system 在原來的x -濾波lms算法自適應逆控制和-濾波lms算法自適應逆控制方法的基礎上,引入了新的變步長lms算法,在計算量增加不多的前提下,能同時獲得較快的收斂速度和較小的穩態誤差;引入自適應的反饋補償控制克服了被控系統的直流零頻漂移,使控制系統在初開始工作階段快速收斂;還引入自適應擾動消除器,它能最大限度的消除擾動。

The relationship between gdp and export of the prc ’ s province , cities , and autonomous regions is analysed in panel data set : gdp and export annul datafrom 1992 to 2004 in the prc ’ s province , cities , and autonomous regions . empiricalanalysis show that the fixed two panel model is better than other model , but exist theproblem of residual errors sequence correlation 同時利用中國內地省區市1992年至2004年的年度國內生產總值與對外出口貿易總額的面板數據做了大量實證分析,發現雙向固定效應模型比較適合此面板數據集,但是存在殘差序列相關的問題。

In order to make full use of the materials of data section and compensate the losing data , then it was interpolated with the method of one unit three point or trend surface stacking and residual error interpolation , which make it to be convenient for the qualitative or half fixed quantity interpretation 充分利用斷面數據資料,然后用一元三點插值法或趨勢面擬合加殘差疊加算法對缺失點進行內插,以補齊數據斷面中損失的數據點,使其便于進行定性或半定量解釋。

To improve the accuracy of load forecasting , by use of residual error amendment forecasting model based on real number output and fitting residual error by trigonometric function , a fuzzy linear regression ? residual error amendment model is put forward 為了提高電力負荷預測技術的水平,作者以基于實數輸出值的模糊回歸分析及用三角函數擬合殘差的方法,提出了預測電力負荷的模糊線性回歸? ?殘差修正預測模型。

The instructors of this course extend a general acknowledgment to the many students and instructors who have made major contributions to the 6 . 013 course materials over the years , and apologize for any residual errors that may remain in these written materials 這門課的老師向多年來對6 . 013教材有重要貢獻的老師和學生們致謝;并為可能殘留在書面教材中的錯誤致歉。

By analyzing the movement of maneuvering targets , the changing rule of angle vectors is summarized in the time field , and then some new vectors are introduced to modify the former residual error 通過對機動目標運動分析,總結出角度向量在時間域中的變化規律,通過引入新的計算向量,對原算法殘差計算進行了修正。

The conclusion is valuable in studing relationbetween exports and economic growth . taking account of nonstationary , dynamic paneldata model is estimated , and revise the problem of residual errors sequence correlation 在此基礎上對模型做了改進,最終得到了動態面板數據模型,修正了殘差序列相關性的問題。

The residual error amendment model is derived from fuzzy linear regression model , it can find the most suitable linear function to make the line difference sum in ideal linear regression minimum 該模型是在模糊線性回歸模型的基礎上推導出來的,它可以尋找最合適的線性函數使理想線性回歸中的線差和達到最小。

3 , this paper suggests two new methods of improving the precision of grey model . correction of residual minimum error and building n - addition grey model with correction of residual error 3 、提出了提高灰色模型精度的兩種新方法,即具有殘差最小值較正法以及具有殘差較正的n次累加的灰色模型。

In this paper , a new method of predicting the limit load of mixing method , based on the gm ( 1 , 1 ) model and residual error gm ( 1 , 1 ) model in the grey system theory is presented 本文根據灰色系統理論中的預測模型和殘差模型,提出一種預測水泥土攪拌樁極限承載力的方法。

In fact , it is that nonlinear statistics models have the optimization process step by step . ultimately , models are up to fitting optima and residual errors are iidn 實際上是對非線性統計模型進行逐步優化的過程,最終使模型達到擬合最優,殘差為iidn 。

Ss residual error is the summation of the squared deviations of the observed response values from their fitted values Ss回歸式是從響應變量的平均值到響應變量的各擬合值的方差的總和。

The best measurement accuracy has been obtained at about 190 , and its residual error is 9 . 5 在大約190測量精度達到最高,其殘差為9 . 5 。

That is , firstly to test models and secondly to test residual errors 可以概括為先對模型檢驗,然后再對殘差進行檢驗。