
residual adj.殘余的,剩下的;殘留的;殘渣的;未加說明的;【數...

residual current device

A new measurement method of welding residual stresses 一種新的焊接殘余應力測量方法

Oilseed residues - determination of free residual hexane 油料餅粕.游離殘留己烷測定

Standard test method for residual chlorine in water 水中殘余氯的標準測試方法

The results are specified as permitted residual limits 結果定義為殘余限量。

What a disaster . thank god for the residuals 真不幸不過還好我們應該還有些剩余的

A research for the residual stresses in welded pipes 焊管的殘余應力測試與研究

Control of veterinary drug residual in animal food 嚴格控制動物性食品中的獸藥殘留

A couple of seconds , no residual discomfort , 幾秒鐘而已,不會留下任何不良效應

Test method for total sediment in residual fuels 剩余燃料中沉積物總量的試驗方法

1 residual current operated circuit breakers amendment 1 殘余電流操作線路斷路器

Among these physical properties are appearance, wear resistance, hardness or brittleness, residual stress, porosity, thickness, and deposit uniformity . 這些物理性能有外觀,抗磨損性,硬度或脆性,殘余應力,孔率,厚度和沉積層的均勻度。

To evaluate fracture instability, the total sum of stresses due to residual welding or rolling stresses, dead load, and live loads must be considered . 計算斷裂失穩性時,必須考慮焊接或軋制殘余應力,恒載應力和活載應力之總和。

In general, experience has shown that third-to fifth-degree polynomials produce sufficiently low residuals and monotonically increasing derivatives . 實踐證明,三至五次多項式就能產生足夠小的殘差和單調遞增的導數。

in fact, the experiment could have revealed a residual charge as small as e per atom, and none was observed. 事實上,這個實驗是能夠測出小至每個原子e的剩余電荷的,然而并未觀察到任何變化。

When the heights of the junction points have been determined, the residuals in the observation equations must be distributed along the lines . 結點高程決定以后,觀測方程的剩差,必須均勻分配到沿線各點。

This separation step is rather lengthy and cannot always be achieved, due to a high residual content of pyrite in the kerogen . 由于油母質中黃鐵礦的剩余含量較高,這個分離過程相當長,而且總是不能達到。

The residual negative charge is balanced by cations between the chains which also serve to hold the chains together . 殘余負電荷被鏈間陽離子所中和,這些陽離子也起將鏈聯系到一起的作用。

The solution was then sparged with nitrogen to remove any residual benzene or any chlorine formed in the oxidation step . 然后用氮噴射溶液,除去任何殘留的苯和在氧化時生成的氯。

Since the cope is usually made by flamed cutting, a high residual tensile stress exists along the burned edge . 由于修割工作通常用火焰燒割,沿著燒切邊緣就存著較高的殘余拉應力。