
residence n.1.居住,居留;駐在;居住期間;宅邸,公館;(權利等...


The development of post - war multi - unit residence in japan 戰后日本集合住宅的發展

Our location is the hewitt residence on route 17 地點是在17號公路上的休威特住宅

Is your home owned or rented ? / own your primary residence 住房是買的還是租的?

Simple analysis of electric design for modem residence 淺析現代住宅的電氣設計

Canada requires three years of permanent residence 加拿大要求三年的永久居留。

Cyborg announcement return to your residence asap 聲明:機器人請盡快回到你的住地

I learned spanish during my residence in mexico 我住在墨西哥時學會了西班牙語。

It is interesting to note that the frequency of bronchitis and pneumonia in great britain has been correlated with area of residence in a polluted area and with social class . 值得指出的是,在英國,支氣管炎和肺炎的發病率與污染區域中的居住地區和所屬社會階層有關。

Local interests and associations breed local sentiment, and, under a system which makes residence the basis for participation in the government, the neighborhood becomes the basis of political control . 本地利益與本地聯系培植了當地的情感,而且,在以居住形式為參政基礎的社會制度中,鄰里還是政治控制的基礎。

The number of eligibles in foreign statistics normally does not include aliens and persons who fail to satisfy literacy or residence requirements . 具有投票資格的人數,在外國的統計數字中,通常并不包括外籍人士,也不包括不能符合寫讀或居住條件的人士。

He has chosen his place of residence rather to obey the direction of an old humoursome father, than in pursuit of his own inclinations . 他選擇了這么一個棲身之地,與其說是出自個人愛好,不如說是為了服從脾氣古怪的老父親的命令。

In what ways and to what extent does the fact of common residence in a locality compel or invite its inhabitants to act together ? 共同居住這樣一個事實,以什么方式,并在多大程度上迫使或誘使其居民來共同諧調行動的?

She cherished such visions from day to day, until her residence in london began to become insupportable and tedious to her . 她日復一日地懷著這樣的憧憬,直到她認為在倫敦住下去已成為一件不能忍受和令人生厭的事情了。

He usually set out for work on foot each morning from his modest, one story, 19th century residence on dzerzhinsky street . 他總是每天早上從捷爾任斯基大街上他的簡陋的十九世紀的平房走出,步行去上班。

They deprived a large number of the overseas chinese of their means of livelihood and drove them out of their residences in dire poverty . 他們剝奪了大批華僑勞動人民的生活資料,然后將他們掃地出門。

Important information is also provided on the effect of residence duration and migration between communities of different sizes . 他還找出了關于居住期限和在不同大小的城市之間移民的影響的重要資料。

And now if you'll just print your name and address of your last residence on this card we'll close the deal . 您現在若把您的名字和從前的住址寫在這張卡片上,我們這場交易就算定了。

Residence and smoking histories were obtained from a total of 2, 191 lung cancer deaths and 25, 000 households . 居住史和吸煙史取自總數為2,191個肺癌死亡者和25,000個家庭。

Residence times have also been used to characterize the fluidized bed and to interpret conversion data . 停留時間分布模型也早已被用來表示流化床的特征和說明轉化率數據。