
reshuffle vt.1.重新洗(牌)。2.〔比喻〕改組(政府等),重新...


Based on the above features , the methods of system analysis and integration are used , by which the mechanism of agricultural structure reshuffling is disc ussed , such as price effect , income effect , market effect , industrialized effect , townlized effect , and governmental interval effect 在農業結構調整普遍規律和特殊性分析的基礎上,采用系統分析與系統綜合的方法,探討了縣域農業結構調整的價格效應、收入效應、市場化效應、產業化效應、城鎮化效應和政府干預效應機制。

The article will started from the environment of that city which includes the trait of that origin , position condition , market condition , the feature of industry structure , employment structure , city and town structure ; clarify the history , present , developing trend of that city agricultural structure , the difference between the city and town , and the special trait , limitation , and flexibility of reshuffling ; the basic problem of the agricultural structure reshuffling in anqiu city is analyzed 最后,以山東省安丘市農業結構調整為例,從安丘市農業結構調整的現狀與問題、外部環境與內部條件分析了安丘市農業結構調整存在的基本問題與癥結,提出了安丘市農業結構調整的目標與方向、指導思想與原則及對策與措施。

This reduced haplotype diversity is a result of the recent expansion of human populations from a small number of shared ancestors from africa , and is most marked in genomic segments called haplotype blocks , separated by gaps where genetic material has been historically reshuffled 單體型變化減少是因為近代人口的祖先都是源自少數非洲人,這可以在基因組分段的單體型區段清楚見到,由于進化演變關系造成之基因物質之間出現隔閡。

In case an inheritor inherits the shareholding of a shareholder of the enterprise after merger , division or reshuffle of the enterprise , the valid certification of the inheritor in acquiring the shareholding ( 1 xerox , in addition to checking the original ) of the shareholder shall be submitted 企業股東合并或分立或其他方式重組后的承繼者依法承繼該股東股權的,提交股權承繼者獲得該股東股權的有效證明文件(復印件1份,驗原件) 。

The newly appointed premier chang chun - hsiung last night announced a second cabinet shakeup , under which the council for cultural affairs , the council of indigenous peoples and the atomic energy council will get new heads , and many other cabinet posts will not be reshuffled 新任命的閣揆張俊雄昨晚宣布第二波的內閣改組名單,文建會、原住民委員會與原子能委員會將有新的首長,同時許多其他的內閣閣員將不會有異動。

The reshuffle will leave russia with a gas monopoly with majority state control but significant foreign ownership , and a state - controlled but also quoted oil company , rosneft , that will be russia ' s biggest crude producer 這一改革將使俄羅斯出現一家國家多數控股的天然氣壟斷企業,外資也將在該公司占有很大一部分股權,同時還將出現一家國家控股的上市石油公司? ?俄羅斯國營石油公司,它將是俄羅斯最大的原油生產企業。

As a meaningful example , the incident of malachite green has done much harm to eel - exporting business in such key farming regions as the provinces of fujian and guangdong , resulting in a serious setback in their fishery economy and a possible reshuffle of their fishery industry 一個“孔雀石綠事件就導致了出口鰻魚的福建,廣東等重點漁區的漁業可能重新洗牌,使該地漁業經濟嚴重受挫,就是一個很好的例證。

Chen , also president of china national gold group corp , the country ' s top gold producer , said big foreign investors will be welcomed to participate in the sector ' s reshuffling with advanced technologies and management know - how 身兼中國黃金集團公司總裁(該公司是全國最大的黃金生產商)的成輔民說,中國歡迎國外投資商參與中國黃金企業的改組重建,用先進的技術和管理經驗來提升企業的層次。

Reshuffling the business flow as per the value chain , and the improving information share are all essential to the capability improvement for fabrication , organization and interface , particularly the enhancement of marketing capability 按照價值鏈原理對業務流程進行重組,并提高信息的共享程度對提高企業的生產制造能力、組織與界面管理能力、特別是提高營銷能力具有十分重要的意義。

A reshuffling of duties within the corporate services department saw the administration division renamed as the human resources division and the finance division taking on office administration duties with the new name of finance and administration division 機構拓展及營運部的職能經過重新調配后,行政處已改名為人力資源處;至于接掌常務管理職能的財務處,則改名為財務及行政處。

Perhaps introns had survived in complex organisms because they had an incidental usefulness ? for example , making it easier to reshuffle segments of proteins into useful new combinations during evolution 插入子能在復雜生物中保存下來,或許是因為它們具有意料之外的用途:例如在演化時便于重新排列蛋白質片段,產生新的有用組合。

The 2002 survey included individuals with a minimum net worth of 0 million - down from the required 0 million in 2001 . the top 10 remained the same , with some reshuffling of the order 2002年入圍參加排名者的個人資產至少要達到5 . 5億美元,而在2001年,最起碼也得有6億的家產才能被福布斯列入考慮之列。

In the new period of our economic increase and structural adjustment , more and more enterprises search out a new way to reshuffle the equity and innovate the system 在我國經濟增長、結構調整的轉型時期,越來越多的企業邁上了以市場為依托的產權改革和制度創新之路。

Italy ' s berlusconi is sworn - in as premier in a reshuffle to boost his popularity , naming a team much like the one he led before stepping down days ago 意大利總理布魯斯科尼在內閣改組后正式宣誓就職,新內閣名單和他幾天前未下臺時所領導的內閣人員并無太大的差別。

Shuffling and reshuffling paper from pile to pile or file to file wastes time and keeps you from focusing on what needs to get done 把文件從一個文件堆中移到另一個文件堆中,或者從一個文件移動另一個文件只會浪費時間,并且使你不能集中精力到你需要完成的工作上。

To this end , the administration wing has been exploring ways to reshuffle civilian staff amongst formations to make the best deployment of available staff resources 為此,行政部一直努力研究各種可行措施,重新調配各單位的文職人員,妥善部署現有人手。

Design and implement new techniques of dimension transformation and index reshuffle for parallel multi - dimensional sparse matrix on distributed - memory computing environments 分散式記憶體環境下多維度平行稀疏矩陣維度轉換與索引重組新技術之研發。

Local governments at different levels in china began a round of leadership reshuffles late last year marked by sweeping retirements and reappointments 去年年末,中國各級當地政府開始了新一輪領導洗牌,這表明大片的退休和新官上任。

Japanese prime minister yoshiro mori , whose cabinet survived a no - confidence motion on tuesday , has begun preparations for a cabinet reshuffle 日本首相森喜朗內閣的不信任決議案于星期二被否決,森喜朗已經開始作改組內閣的準備。