
reshipment n.(貨物的)重裝,轉載,換船;重裝貨物;重裝量。


The construction bank card that you want to take you and id arrive open an account to fill in all right a piece of registration form that applies for to open the bank on the net , the bank on construction bank net is landed to download individual safety certificate inside 7 days after been deal with , in order to ensure the net hands in easy security , the system can hint you download individual safety certificate automatically , download please and appropriate is custodial certificate of good individual safety , if your individual certificate loses when your reshipment system , so the bank on your net with respect to invalidation , need to debut to the bank afresh 你要帶上你的建行卡及身份證到開戶行填寫一張申請開通網上銀行的登記表,辦理好了之后就在七日內登陸建行網上銀行下載個人安全證書,以確保網上交易的安全性,系統會自動提示你下載個人安全證書,請下載并妥善保管好個人安全證書,假如你的個人證書在你重裝系統時遺失的話,那么你的網上銀行就失效了,需重新到銀行開通。

If an ongoing project is stopped or delayed due to any reason attributable to the developer , the developer shall take the appropriate measures to make up or mitigate the loss , and shall indemnify the contractor for its loss and out - of - pocket expenses arising from resulting work stoppage , slowdown , reshipment , re - dispatch of mechanical equipment , and excess inventory of materials and assemblies , etc 第二百八十四條因發包人的原因致使工程中途停建、緩建的,發包人應當采取措施彌補或者減少損失,賠償承包人因此造成的停工、窩工、倒運、機械設備調遷、材料和構件積壓等損失和實際費用。

The bank on construction bank net is landed to download individual safety certificate inside 7 days after been deal with , in order to ensure the net hands in easy security , this operation wants you to undertake construction bank website nods the bank on individual net to be able to let you input your card number only , remembering what here should input is you in ark of the bank when the bank on enlightened individual net member that account that gives you , input account and password , the system can hint you download individual safety certificate automatically , download please and appropriate is custodial certificate of good individual safety , if your individual certificate loses when your reshipment system , so the bank on your net with respect to invalidation , need to debut to the bank afresh 辦理好了之后就在七日內登陸建行網上銀行下載個人安全證書,以確保網上交易的安全性,這個操作只要你進行建行網站點個人網上銀行就會讓你輸入你的卡號,記住這里要輸入的是你在開通個人網上銀行時銀行柜員給你的那個帳號,輸入帳號和密碼,系統會自動提示你下載個人安全證書,請下載并妥善保管好個人安全證書,假如你的個人證書在你重裝系統時遺失的話,那么你的網上銀行就失效了,需重新到銀行開通。

In this article , based on analyses tradition software engineering idea , we bring forward an application system of new exploitation means based on requirement commonness and reshipment component 摘要在分析傳統軟件工程思想的基礎上,提出了一種新的基于需求共性、數據字典和重用構件的應用系統開發方法。

If data bulk is very great , can reserve base expresses backup , reshipment hind undertakes extracting , ( professional personage ability undertakes this , discreet ) can reduce a few workload 假如數據量很大,可以吧庫存基礎表備份,重裝后進行提取, (這個是專業人士才能進行的,慎重)可以減少一些工作量。

Excuse me , i every time after reshipment great wisdom , free dropped 請問,我每次重裝大聰明后,自選股都掉了

We must have the goods here in september for reshipment 貨物必須9月份到達此地以便再轉運。

Reshipment fast amount to , find backup , had come afresh 重裝速達,找到備份,重新來過吧。

We must have the goods here in september for reshipment 貨物必須9月份到達此地以便再轉運