
resettle vt.使重新安居;使在新地方定居;使再殖民。 reset...


This thesis tried to inquire according to the field work in two cases we can found that the most of resettled households are relative rich and the poor group still stay in original place . the conditions for living and pro duction have not improved . they are still harsh poor 通過對兩個移民項目的調研,發現在自愿性移民中搬遷走的是社區中相對比較富裕的農戶,他們搬遷到安置地后,生產生活條件發生了顯著的正向變化;而大部分的貧困群體仍然留在原居地,生產生活條件沒有發生明顯的變化,仍然處于貧困狀態。

In some , the speed of urbanization took everyone by surprise and the destruction of old houses was very fast , and a significant proportion of the original residents were resettled in new areas , while in others , original buildings have been retained and restored and efforts have been focused on keeping the feel of living , working places 在一些地方,都市化的速度另人驚嘆,許多舊房屋很快遭到了破壞,有相當大一部分老住戶遷居新區,在那里重新安家落戶,而在另一些地方,許多原有的建筑物被保留下來并加以修復,人們把側重點放在了保持原居室和工作間的氛圍上。

Beijing , thursday , jan . 12 - a government environmental review has recommended reducing the number of dams included in a controversial hydropower proposal on the nu river in southwestern china in order to limit environmental damage and decrease the number of people who would be resettled , a hong kong newspaper has reported 一家香港報紙報道, 1月12日(星期二) ,在北京,一份政府環評報告建議減少大壩的數量,以此來降低對環境的破壞以及移民的人數,其中包括中國西南部有爭議的怒江水電站項目。

As they were situated directly in the proposed reservoir site , they were resettled in tai long wan , a western coastal area of lantau island and a resettlement area in tsuen wan . others , whose land was included as part of the catchment area , or affected by the construction of the catchwaters , faced a different situation . among them , the residents of pui o including lo wei village and sun wei village , ham tin , law uk , san shek wan , upper cheung sha and lower cheung sha village , tong fuk and shui hou village suffered from disturbance to their natural water supply 一些被興建引水道影響或被辟為集水區的村落,如貝澳老圍村、新圍村、咸田村、羅屋村、散石灣、長沙上村、長沙下村、塘福村及水口村,原來流經村落的河流及地下水源,因主要水流被引水道堵截,農田無足夠水灌溉,早造開耕嚴重不足,居民須往他鄉運水,以應付日常生活急需及維持灌田。

Research results show that the existing population in the reservoir area has exceeded the population capacity of land , and its is very difficult that rural relocates all resettled in the reservoir area . the land - based agricultural resettlement is still a reliable resettlement approach for rural relocates , despite of the limited bearing capacity of land in the reservoir area . thus , extending the resettlement environment capacity by fully and reasonably utilizing the land resources and developing the hill ecology agriculture has realistic significance for tgp resettlement 盡管三峽庫區土地人口容量有限,但以土為本的大農業安置仍然是農村移民最穩妥的安置途徑,因此,充分合理地開發利用庫區國土資源,建立山地生態農業發展模式,對于擴大庫區安置容量,保護和改善庫區生態環境,促進庫區移民的可持續安置具有重要的現實意義。

In this research the theory of unintended consequence of middle range theory in sociology was adopted to analyze the phenomenon that the rich benefits from the project while the poor not . the willingness of resettled household and intervention of the government are the two key characters in the voluntary resettlement project . so the theory of social capital and the strategy of economical development will be used to explain the behaviors of household and government and then summarize the causes of unintended consequence 在這樣的一個整體理論框架的指導下,從自愿性移民中的自愿性和政府干預性兩個方面分別討論出現未預結局的原因:用社會資本理論來分析基于自愿性選擇上的農戶行為的特點,得出貧困農戶本身在人力資本和物質資本缺乏的條件下,由于社會資本的不足而得不到足夠的社會網絡的支持,不能實現移民或不能達到移民的預期效果;而富裕的農戶卻能在人力資本、物質資本以及由此決定的社會資本的支持下能夠進行移民。

Therefore , retired or resigned workers who reside in the rural areas should as far as possible resettle in their home - village ; for those who change their registration of permanent domicile back to the rural area , one of their eligible rural - based children may be employed as worker ; the grain ration for such retirees and resigned workers shall be supplied by the production brigades after their return 因此,家居農村的退休、退職工人,應盡量回到農村安置,本人戶口遷回農村的,也可以招收他們在農村的一名符合招工條件的子女參加工作;退休、退職工人回農村后,其口糧由所在生產隊供應。

Ft . of residential land . those villages that were affected included lee uk , chow uk , man uk , sha tsui , lan lai wan , ko tong , ha yeung , uk tau village , pak tam chung and pak tam au . roughly speaking , there were about 50 families living in these villages . about 300 to 400 people were resettled in sai kung town , where blocks of 5 - storey houses were built for this purpose . approximately 20 to 30 families of boat people affected , however , were resettled on land 1萬平方尺建筑地,直接受影響的村落分別有李屋、周屋、萬屋、沙咀、爛泥灣等,估計居民約有50馀戶,人口至少有400 ,其中的300至400名居民被遷往西貢墟新建五層樓宇,被遷移上岸的水上人家約有20至30戶,其他受波及的村落包括高塘、下洋、屋頭村、北潭涌、北潭坳等地。

In china the voluntary resettlement project was carried out in three west area in 1983 . since then the voluntary resettlement projects for poverty reduction have been launched in more than 20 provinces . during past 20 years the resettled population added up to about 2 . 58 million and the total investment was 10 billion 我國自愿移民開始于1983年,最早是在三西地區進行的,近20年來我國政府先后在全國十幾個省份開展了自愿移民的扶貧活動,一共搬遷了大約258萬人,投入資金近100億元,自愿移民成為我國扶貧工作一項重要內容。

After the 10 years of late - stage support for resettled people of geheyan of qing river , there are still serious problems in the resettlement such as the scarcity of production material , living troubles of part of non - farmers , frequent occurring of geologic calamities , slowness of infrastructure construction 摘要清江隔河巖庫區移民后期扶持的十年已經結束,但是困擾移民工作的問題仍然有很多,如生產資源嚴重不足、部分非農戶生活困難、庫區地質災害頻發、基礎設施建設緩慢等問題。

Soon after the earthquake , sister jiang received a call from mrs . hwang , who told her that when the quake began , together she and her husband had prayed to master for help , then they led their three children , aged seven , five and three years , downstairs through a broken stairwell , crawling out to safety through a hole that was formed when a metal door had been crushed and twisted . mrs . hwang expressed her gratitude for these arrangements that seemed to have been made especially in order for her family to escape . even though her house lay in ruins , she decided to be initiated as soon as her family was resettled 災后不久,師姊接到了黃太太打來的電話,告訴她事發當時,她們夫妻同聲祈求清海師父幫忙,竟然能帶著三個分別為七歲五歲三歲的小孩,從斷裂開來的樓梯走下,又能從被壓擠變形的鐵門中的一個好像早已挖掘好的小洞爬出,讓她們一家五口得以逃生,真是感激莫名,雖然家已毀了,她決定等家里安置好了以后,要去印心了!

In 1993 , tianjin committee , and tianjin government fixed the magnificent aim of completing the integral reconstruction works for dangerous bunkhouses in five years , being the district having the largest part of dangerous bunkhouses , the task of nankai district is the heaviest . under the correct lead of tianjin committee and tianjin government , the whole district made great efforts together , till 1998 , removed dangerous bunkhouses 1523 , 100 square meters , resettled 64475 residents , and surpassed the quota stipulated in the contract with tianjin government 1993年天津市委市政府確定了用五年時間完成成片危陋房屋改造的宏偉目標,作為全市任務最重,成片危陋房屋最多的南開區,在市委市政府的正確領導下,全區上下共同努力,截至1998年,累計拆遷危陋房屋152 . 31萬平方米,還遷安置居民64475戶,超額完成了與市政府簽訂的目

The content geography subject is bending to comprehensive and environmental of its content . it should be resettled on the points of sustainable development and environmental education . in doing so , it requires to change and develop the ordinary geography knowledge and the content systems , select the necessary basic knowledge and skills for life - long study which should focus on the experiences of the students and can reflect the newly result of the scientific development 地理課程的發展趨勢是課程內容的綜合化和環境化,以可持續發展和環境教育的思路重新定向,這就必然要求改革和更新原有地理知識體系和課程內容,精選終身學習必備的基礎知識和基本技能,課程內容理應關注學生生活經驗,反映社會科技發展最新成果。

The social and economic impact caused by the construction of plover cove reservoir were not just confined to the nearby villages . the ancillary works , including water pipelines and access roads , reached out to areas as far as sai kung , yuen long , castle peak , tsuen wan and sha tin . some rivers in these areas were diverted making agricultural pursuits difficult , as residents needed to obtain fresh water from outside their villages . some villages were turned into new roads , with residents being forced to resettle elsewhere 船灣淡水湖于1961年春開始興建工程,不但影響附近的村落,水塘的配套工程如興建輸水管和修筑公路等,波及范圍遠至西貢、元朗以北、青山、荃灣及沙田一帶,有些鄉村因原有河道被堵截而無法再從事農耕,生活飲用水亦需外求,有些鄉村被辟為公路,整條鄉村被迫遷徙。

Regression analysis on the factors affecting their perceptions reveals that the adaptation process for the three - gorges migrants in the resettled places is divided into three stages : role labeling , role imitating and role assimilating and comparing 本文采用“同期群”研究方法,通過對三峽移民評價態度影響因素的回歸分析,說明了三峽移民在安置地的適應過程大致可以分為三個階段,即角色標簽階段、角色學習階段、角色同化與比較階段。

The people living near the reservoir in tai lam chung village and the kwan uk ti area were resettled in tsuen wan . the establishment of the shek pik reservoir affected quite a number of villages . residents who lived in shek pik , fan pui , kong pui and hang chai villages were more fortunate than others 石壁水塘的興建,使被辟為水塘的石壁、宏貝、崗貝及坑仔村長埋塘底,村民被遷徙至大嶼山西岸之大浪灣及荃灣徙置區。

Hong kong s public housing programme has come a long way since it started off as an emergency measure to resettle victims of fires and natural disasters in the mid 1950s - first it provided shelter , then it provided a home for the community at large 香港的公共房屋計劃自五十年代中期推行以來,已取得長足進展。這項計劃最初只屬緊急措施,目的是為無家可歸的災民提供棲身之所,其后經過不斷發展,為廣大市民提供居所。

This photo , together with several others that illustrate the contributions made by resettled refugees in the once - declining city of utica , new york , were given “ new america “ 2006 photo - reportage award by the u . s . - based national press photographers association ( nppa ) 這張照片和其他一些表現重新安置難民對美國紐約猶他市做出貢獻的照片,獲得了美國國家攝影家協會頒發的2006 “新美洲”新聞圖片獎。

Some basic stats as i remembered from our trip : 16 years to build , $ 25b in costs , 1 . 13 million people resettled due to the change in the river height , 99 new bridges and almost 10 times the power generating capacity of the largest dam in the us 我記得這樣一些基本的統計數字:花費16年建造,耗費250億美元,因為河水高度的改變要搬遷113萬居民, 99座新建橋梁,產生幾乎十倍于美國最大水壩的能量。