
reservoir n.1.貯藏所;貯氣筒;貯水池,水庫;貯水槽,水槽;貯存...


The balance beam scale is outfitted with a beaker reservoir on one of its arms and a weight on the other . 平衡梁式天平在它的一條臂上配備一個燒杯狀容器,另一臂上配衡重量。

A natural escape of hot fluids from the steam reservoir should be prevented by cap rocks with low permeability . 只要存在通透性能低的蓋層,蒸氣儲放熱流體就不會自行外逸。

Thus, accumulation of oil in the reservoirs occurred after the domes had been sealed by the salt cover . 所以,儲集層中的石油聚集作用是發生在穹窿被鹽巖蓋層封閉之后。

Within the rock which forms the highly permeable reservoir convection currents of hot water or steam occur . 在形成高滲透性熱儲的巖體內,存在水或蒸汽的對流運動。

It is not essential to build a storage or impounding reservoir if the water can be stored in the ground . 如果能將水儲存在地下,就沒有必要建造水庫或蓄水池。

It is estimated that about half of the carbonate oil and gas reservoirs in north america are in dolomite . 據估計,北美的碳酸鹽巖油氣藏有一半是在白云巖內。

It is entirely possible that there may be microclimatic changes that occur when large reservoirs are built . 大水庫建成后,完全有可能發生小氣候的變化。

A separate structure is provided to block the space between the arch dam and the reservoir bank . 需要另有一種單獨的結構物來填補拱壩的庫岸之間的空間。

The climatologist is greatly concerned with the time constants of the energy reservoirs of the world . 氣候學家最關心的是世界上能量貯藏器的時間常數。

For storage purposes, these underground reservoirs have many advantages over surface reservoirs . 就蓄水目的說,這些地下水庫比地表水庫有很多優點。

A climatologist is greatly concerned with the time constants of the energy reservoirs of the world . 氣候學家非常關心世界上能量貯藏器的時間常數。

Steam is formed if the boiling point pressure for the temperature of the reservoir is reached . 如果達到對應于熱儲溫度的沸點壓力,就會形成蒸氣。

These reservoirs may develop as a result of either structural or stratigraphic causes . 由于構造或地層方面的原因,這些儲集巖可以進一步發育。

To be able to relate the cementation of reservoirs to other events would be quite useful . 把儲集層的膠結作用和其他事件聯系起來是很有用的。

Subsidence may be the critical factor in managing a ground water reservoir . 地面沉降在管理地表水庫的工作中可以算是一個關鍵性因素。

There was no appreciable damage to reservoirs and water-treatment plants in japan . 日本的水庫和供水處理工廠并沒有受到嚴重的破壞。

This graphite boat is provided with three reservoirs and a movable graphite slide . 石墨舟有三個儲液器和一個可以滑動的石墨滑板。

The relation between depositional environments and reservoir quality is investigated . 人們研究了沉積環境與儲集特性之間的關系。

The pressure sensings are transmitted into the lower portions of two large reservoirs . 壓力傳感信號被傳送到兩個大水罐的下部。