
reservist n.后備役軍人。


Article 26 upon receiving the conscription plan by phase as referred in article 25 hereof , the local government shall prepare the conscription action plan pro rata depending on the number of the draftees under conscription and the phase distributed for each hsiang ( including town , city , or district ) within the jurisdiction , and decide on the list of the draftees to be enlisted and the reservists 第26條直轄市、縣(市)政府收受前條各梯次徵集計畫后,應按各鄉(鎮、市、區)應徵之役男人數比例及分配梯次,訂定徵集實施計畫,并決定應徵入營役男及其預備員名冊。

The israeli army has called up thousands of military reservists , and israeli planes dropped leaflets over southern lebanon warning civilians to move north of the litani river , about 30 kilometers from the israeli border 以色列軍方開始征召成千上萬預備役兵員。以色列飛機向黎巴嫩南部地區投放傳單,警告當地居民向距離以色列邊境30公里的利塔尼河以北的地方遷移。

With time , america could build up its forces for another campaign by sending or training lower - readiness units , mobilising reservists or , in extreme emergency , by reinstating the draft 只要時間允許,通過派遣或者訓練低戒備作戰單位,動員預備役部隊,或者在特別緊急情況下,征召退役士兵等等一些措施,美國可以逐步建立打另一場戰爭的軍隊。

A new law will allow the army to give larger financial bonuses for enlistments and re - enlistments doubling the maximum payment to new active duty recruits from 20 , 000 to 40 , 000 , and from 10 , 000 to 20 , 000 for reservists 據美聯社1月17日報道,新法令規定,新現役軍人津貼從2萬美元提高到4萬美元,預備役軍人從1萬美元增加到2萬美元。

Article 376 any reservist who refuses or escapes enlistment or military training in wartime , if the circumstances are serious , shall be sentenced to fixed - term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention 第三百七十六條預備役人員戰時拒絕、逃避征召或者軍事訓練,情節嚴重的,處三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役。

They are neither college students nor reserve army officers . they are important composition of china ' s reservist . the finally is high quality militia 國防生既是普通高校的學生,又是為部隊定向培養的后備軍官,無疑是我國高素質國防后備力量的重要組成部分。

The four reservists who created the exhibit said they did so because they wanted israeli civilians to see what is happening in the palestinian territories 四個舉辦這次展覽的退役軍人表示,他們這么做是想讓以色列人民看看在巴勒斯坦的領土上到底發生了什么。

Israel plans to call up thousands more reservists after cabinet approved expanding ground war in lebanon , reuters reports quoting israel radio 路透社援引以色列電臺報道稱,在內閣同意擴大黎巴黎地面戰爭規模后,以色列計劃再征召數千名預備役士兵應戰。

Reservists must participate in military training according to the regulations and always be ready to join the army and take part in war for the defence of the motherland 預備役人員必須按照規定參加軍事訓練,隨時準備參軍參戰,保衛祖國。

Pike militia are peasants who have been levied into a militia , a type of reservists , to bolster up an army or to defend and patrol roads and towns 長槍民兵式被招為民兵的農民,某種后備部隊,用來掩護軍隊和在城鎮和道路上防衛、巡邏。

Article 8 . medals , decorations or titles of honour shall be given to active servicemen and reservists who perform meritorious deeds 第八條現役軍人和預備役人員建立功勛的,得授予勛章、獎章或者榮譽稱號。

A visitor looks at photos as part of “ breaking the silence , “ an exhibit compiled by israeli reservists , in tel aviv 以色列退役軍人在特拉維夫舉辦的“打破沉默”攝影展中,一名參觀者正在觀看部分照片。

( morgan ) back in san francisco , army reservist ryan attends a meeting of the gay chapter of the american legion 主持人摩甘:回到了舊金山,今天退伍軍人萊恩參加了一個老兵同志的聚會。

A reservist in the british army , mr ryan clearly has the trust of plenty of soldiers 身為英國預備役軍人,萊恩理所當然地得到了很多士兵的信任。

Also , many soldiers are reservists earning less than in their civilian jobs 此外,很多戰士是賺得的預備役軍人少于在他們的民用的工作中。

. . . and opposed full benefits for part - time reservists . . .還反對給兼職的預備役軍人全軍人福利

And opposed full benefits for part - time reservists .還反對給兼職的預備役軍人全軍人福利

As the days went by, 14, 000 reservists were recalled to fly transport planes in the eventuality of airborne operations . 隨著時間的推移,有一萬四千名后備人員重新應召,以備有空降行動時駕駛運輸機。