
reserve vt.1.保留;留下(以備后用、享受等)。2.預定,預約...

reserve clause

If the run persisted, cash reserves would be exhausted . 如果擠兌持續下去,現金儲備就將枯竭。

The judges' creativity is not reserved to individuals only . 法官們的創造性并不只是局限個人。

The conversation at this time was more reserved than before . 這時候的談話卻不似從前的隨便。

He has a great reserve of energy . 他綽有余力。

I see . it is very kind of you to reserve a room for him . 哦,很好,你替他預訂一間房間。

The court reserves judgement . 該法庭延期判決。

He has a great reserve of energy . 他精力充裕。

He drank the wine that the lord reserved for the just . 他喝的是上帝專為好人備下的圣酒。

The swiss are a reserved self-sufficient people . 瑞士人是一個自給自足,緘默內向的民族。

Other countries allow tax-free investment reserves . 而另一些國家允許留有免稅投資儲備。

It need not worry about whether it has enough reserves . 它無需擔憂它的準備金是否足夠。

The exec's tone is reserved . 副艇長的口氣很冷淡。

All four doors to the two reserved suites were open . 預定的兩個套房的四扇門都敞開著。

They reserved the word arithmetica for the theory of numbers . 他們的算術指的是數論。

I gave myself over to each novel without reserve . 我潛心讀每一本小說,不受任何限制。

Philip at first was reserved . 最初菲利浦還不露聲色。

I don't like reserve . 我就是不喜歡含著骨頭露著肉的。

They have reserved a box for us in the theatre . 他們在劇院為我們預訂了一個包廂。

A great future is reserved for you . 遠大的前程等著你。