
resentment n.憤怒,憤慨;怨恨,憎恨。 harbor [cheri...


For years she harbored resentment against her stepmother 多年來她對繼母心懷怨恨。

What types of resentment have to be solved as priority 什麼樣的恩怨必須以死解決?

It can lead to hurt feelings , and even resentment 那將傷害感情甚至產生怨恨

A curse of one who dies with strong resentment 一個由于強烈的怨恨而死的人的詛咒

To get rid of that resentment , the pain and the anger 脫離那怨恨痛苦或憤怒嗎?

Too much change creates weariness and resentment 過多的改變會造成疲倦和憤怒。

For two weeks my resentment continued to build 兩個星期后,我的氣憤持續累積。

Yet they did not dare to show their resentment 然而他們不敢流露出他們的憤慨。

A minute later the man with the “game leg“ passed close behind his chair, and shelton perceived at once how intelligible the resentment of his fellow-members was . 一分鐘以后,“裝假腿的人”挨著謝爾頓的椅子后面走了過去,謝爾頓立刻看出來,他的同伴們的怨恨是多么的明顯。

Such a comfortable resort for jews in the midst of a europe swamped in anti-semitic propaganda and war time hardships has naturally caused resentment . 歐洲當時正沉浸在一片反猶宣傳聲和戰爭時期的艱難困苦里。在這種局面中居然還給猶太人安排下這么一個舒適的去處,這自然引起了怨恨。

So far as dr. macphail was concerned, his pity and his resentment were alike extinguished by his desire to be rid of the unfortunate woman . 拿麥克費爾醫生來說,他希望擺脫這個倒霉女人的心情,已經完全壓倒了他的憐憫之心和憤恨不平。

If he modulated his inevitable resentment to the chastened attitude of the reformed sinner, he might win his point in the end . 只要克制一下自己難免會產生的憤恨情緒,采取罪人改邪歸正,接受懲處的態度,他最終就有可能達到目的。

That very morning, not having received the letter she awaited, she had resolved to throw off all pretence of resentment and come home . 就在那天早晨,她沒有收到期待中的那封信,她決定拋開所有假裝的怨恨而回家來。

When the fingers reached the handle of the axe they worked convulsively, as if their owner hesitated between policy and resentment . 等到摸到斧子把的時候,他的手指又顫抖起來,理智和仇恨的斗爭使他猶豫不決。

I was now in such a state of nervous resentment that i thought it prudent to check myself at present from further demonstrations . 我現在是十分激動和憤懣,我想還是以克制自己,不再作任何表露為妥。

For some time all that elinor could do was to soothe her sister's distress, lessen her alarms, and combat her resentment . 在若干時間內,埃莉諾只能撫慰妹妹的悲痛,緩和她的震驚,抑止她的憤懣。

Each had a different way, humorous or philosophic, contemptuous, sour, or sly, of showing this resentment . 各人有各人不同的表示憎恨的方式,詼諧的,明達的,傲慢的,酸溜溜的或者調皮的。

Jealousy and resentment are not strangers to seminaries any more than they are to secular institutions . 妒忌、猜疑和怨恨在神學院里也是司空見慣的,并不比世俗的學校少。

The state department was pressing for a diplomatic solution to reduce arab's resentment of the united states . 國務院正力促實現外交解決,以減少阿拉伯對美國的不滿。