
resentful adj.憤怒的,憤慨的;易發脾氣的,易怒的;顯然不滿的。...


She had realised with the lapse of the quarter hours that drouet was not coming , and somehow she felt a little resentful , a little as if she had been forsaken - was not good enough 時間已經過去幾刻鐘了,她明白杜洛埃不會來了。不知為什么她對杜洛埃有些不滿,就好像她受人嫌棄不值得眷顧似的。

I can not forget the mildness in your eyes , i can not forget your resentful eyes of that time , i can not forget all that you did for me , i can not forget all of yours that moved me 忘不了你溫柔的眼神,也忘不了那次你充滿怨恨的眼神,忘不了你曾為我做過的一切,忘不了你讓我感動的點點滴滴。

As for the gentleman himself , his feelings were chiefly expressed , not by embarrassment or dejection , or by trying to avoid her , but by stiffness of manner and resentful silence 說到那位先生本人,他可并不顯得意氣沮喪,也沒有表現出要回避她的樣子,只是氣憤憤地板著臉,默然無聲。

If you have a resentful or demanding attitude , no matter how carefully you choose your words , he will feel unappreciated for what he has already given and probably say no 不管多小心譴詞用字,如果態度是氣憤和命令式的,他會覺得你不感激他原先所給與的,而可能對你的要求說不。

She was stung by his words into realization of the puerility of her act , and yet she felt that he had magnified it unduly and was consequently resentful 他的話刺痛了她,讓她意識到了自己行為的幼稚。不過她也覺得馬丁夸大得過火了一些,心里感到憤慨。

As soon as bill was willing to give mary what she had been asking for , she would have a resentful reaction like “ well , it is too late “ or “ so what . 當比爾想盡快滿足瑪莉的要求時,瑪莉的反應很氣憤,她說: “太遲了。 ”或“那又怎么樣? ”

Burnout reduces your productivity and saps your energy , leaving you feeling increasingly hopeless , powerless , cynical , and resentful 精疲力盡前減少你的生產力和使你的精力衰竭,使你覺得越來越無望,沒有力量,憤世嫉俗,怨恨。

I . you may be feeling a lot of love for your partner , and then , the next morning , you wake up and are an noyed and resentful of him or her 你可能覺得十分愛你的配偶,但隔日一早起來,卻對他或她生氣,這使他或她十分困擾。

It was leaked to the press and produced a spate of letters from lonely people looking for mates , bakkom said . resentful and rebellious 貝克穆說: “后來這封信件被媒體知道,引來了鋪天蓋地的來自單身漢們的覓偶信件。 ”

Knowing that it is normal and inevitable will help you be less resentful of it and more likely to deal with it effectively 知道這是正常且不可避免的之后,就可幫助你對此減少忿怒,而會更加有效地來處理它。

If you have people on your team who really hate the outdoors , they might feel resentful rather than charged up about being in your organization 如果團隊中有人確實討厭戶外活動,他們可能感覺不滿意。

Her daughter tomoko is resentful of her mother s degradations , though she tacitly endures her conditions while trying to escape her own fate 朋子也給賣到青樓,當上見習藝伎,與母親在妓院區重聚。

My feelings are not puffed about with every attempt to move them . my temper would perhaps be called resentful 說到我的一些情緒,也并不是我一打算把它們去除掉,它們就會煙消云散。

These verbs mean to feel resentful or painful desire for another ' s advantages or possessions 這些動詞都具有對他人的優點和所有物懷有憎惡或痛苦的渴望這一含義。

For it produces a resentful animal who at a later stage may well turn man - killer 因為這種方法會使動物“懷恨在心” ,在以后某個階段它很可能變成傷人的動物。

Conversely , pressuring him to take part in your extracurriculars will just make him resentful 相反,強迫他參加你的業余活動也會讓他心理煩悶。

All the merriment had gone out of the day . he was disturbed , wretched , resentful 這一天的歡樂情緒如今已消失得無影無蹤,他又不安又惱火。

You ? hanve the right to ? feel sad , betrayed , angery and ? resentful when you ' ve been hurt 遭受傷害的你,有權感到難過、被出賣、憤和厭惡

Please don ' t be sad , upset or resentful when i lean on you . stay close to me 當我靠近你時,不要覺得感傷、生氣或埋怨,你要緊挨著我。