
resent vt.憎恨,憤恨。


The internet has grown rapidly in resent years 近年來, internet有了蓬勃的發展。

Who s he ! it was the difference they resented 他們所恨的是他與他們間的不同地方。

He resented the way she patronized him 她待他那種屈尊紆貴的樣子,他十分憤恨

I don ' t want you to resent we never fished 我可不想你因為沒有釣過魚而怨恨我. .

Your honor , we strongly resent these insinuations 庭上,我們強烈抗議這種侮蔑

No , i didn ' t resent him . that ' s the way it was 我并沒有怨恨他,該怎樣就怎樣唄

It would seem, however, that all who now entered what we shall call the lists, were more disposed to exhibit their own dexterity than to resent the deaths of their comrades . 然而,看來那些列入我們稱之為名單中的人,并不想發泄因為自己同胞之死而引起的憤恨,他們只想露露自己的功夫。

Do what you will, they are never satisfied; they only resent one's help, or else they take the help and never thank you for it ! 不管你怎么做法,他們總不會滿足;他們老是怨恨別人的幫助;要不然,他們就接受幫助,可永遠不感激你!

Loud cheers greeted the termination of his speech, but it was obvious from some of the men's faces that they resented grinder's remarks . 他講話結束時爆發了熱烈歡呼聲,但從有些人的面部表情來看,他們顯然討厭格林德的論調。

He seemed to resent the fact that i did not consider myself in his debt for the role he played in hiring me into the service . 他認為把我引薦到局里來他是起了作用的,而我則沒有感謝之情,他似乎對此很生氣。

Although hitler could not afford to resent it, all the world, as will be seen, understood the significance of the gesture . 雖然希特勒敢怒不敢言,但正如我們行將見到的,舉世都了解這一舉措的重大意義。

Automatically he considered it hearn's fault that the transfer had been made and resented him instinctively for it . 他不假思索地認為候恩調來是候恩的過錯,因而也就自然而然地對候恩恨入骨髓。

There were times that i deeply resented how he sought to manipulate our public opinion and shatter our self-esteem . 有時我也很氣憤他企圖操縱我國的輿論和傷害我們的自尊心。

She resented the fact that people could justly consider her parents ineligible, and for that reason her also . 她憎恨人家會把她的父母當作低一等的人,因此也把她看低。

I perceived presently that though she thought herself very ill used, yet she had no power to resent it . 我即刻看出來,雖然她覺得自己受人欺侮,可是她沒有報復的能力。

Instead of resenting or answering the simple but natural appeal of hist, he walked away . 對希斯特直率真誠的譴責,他既沒有反駁,也不作任何回答,而是走開了。

Miss thorne was so essentially good-natured that it was impossible to resent anything she said . 索恩小姐本質上那么和善,你實在不可能怨恨她所說的任何話。

But he would have been superhuman had he not resented the contrast between us by the media . 然而,他除非是超人才不會對新聞界褒我貶他感到憤懣。

His acquaintances resented the fact that he often turned up in popular restaurants with her . 他的熟人都很氣忿,因為他常常帶著她去時髦的館子。