
resemble vt.1.像,類似,相似。2.〔古語〕比擬,譬喻 (to...


It took up ten minutes to determine whether the boy was most like his father or mother, and in what particular he resembled either . 大家花了十分鐘去談論這孩子是象爸爸還是象媽媽,以及在哪一方面象爸爸或象媽媽。

A shock wave in air is generally referred to as a “blast wave“ because it resembles and is accompanied by a very strong wind . 通常,空中沖擊波又叫做“爆震波”,這是因為它類似而且伴隨著產生一股十分猛烈的風。

They resemble each other in some measure, yet a different mould of character may be traced in the different mould of the brow and mouth . 他們彼此倒有點相象,但是,從額頭和嘴巴的不同還是可以看出性格不同來。

The wind and rain slowly change the shapes of the mountains, creating strange forms that resemble tower, peaks, rounded hills and sawteeth . 風雨漸漸改變山脈形狀,形成奇態,仿佛是樓塔、尖頂、圓山或是鋸齒。

She resembled miss hancock attempting by archness and by an assumption of frivolity to persuade her neighbours that she was juvenile . 她象漢考克小姐一樣使用巧計,偽裝風流,來使她的鄰人們相信她青春正茂。

The members of the same class, independently of their habits of life, resemble each other in the general plan of their organization . 同綱內的生物不管其生活習性如何,在結構的一般形式上是彼此相類似的。

The reverse transcriptase isolated from human leukemic cells resembles that from rna tumour viruses in several respects . 從人白血病細胞分離得到的遞向轉錄酶在如下幾方面類似于RNA腫瘤病毒逆向轉錄酶。

Craters resembling those on the moon are produced on the earth both by volcanic activity and by meteoric impact . 由于火山爆發和隕星的撞擊,類似于月球上的環形山地在地球上產生了。

They strongly resembled each other in that total want of talent and taste which confined their employments . 他們在缺乏才能和鑒賞力方面是非常相似的,這缺點限制了他們的所作所為。

Piecemeal social engineering resembles physical engineering in regarding the ends as beyond the province of technology . 漸進社會工程和自然工程一樣,都把目的置于技術領域之外。

A lover's hope resembles the bean in the nursery tale, -let it once take root, and it will grow so rapidly . 情人的希望宛如童話中講的那顆豆子--一旦它生了根,就會飛速地成長。

Figuratively, one may imagine the radiation of such a spherical maser as resembling a little hedgehog . 可以很形象地把這種球狀脈塞源的輻射想象為一個小刺猬球的樣子。

In exterior he resembled a butcher in a poor neighbourhood, and his eyes had a look of sleepy cunning . 他的外表看上去象是生意冷清的屠戶,兩眼露出困乏的奸詐神態。

As many of these people brought their families with them, their departure resembled an emigration . 在他們中間,許多人把家眷也帶來了,簡直是大規模的移民。

For example, fragments resembling dna from cancer-causing viruses might be removed and destroyed . 例如,可能除掉或破壞類似來源于致癌病毒的DNA片段。

You, too, have principle and mind; your tastes and habits resemble diana's and mary's . 你也是有原則和才智的;你的趣味和習慣同黛安娜和瑪麗的相象。

Earth's atmosphere has nothing that resembles a big, stable, anticyclonic flow . 地球的大氣層沒有哪一部分象是一股穩定的大反氣旋流。

He resembled a pilot, which to a seaman is trustworthiness personified . 他活象一位領航員,這在一個海員的眼中,真不啻為可靠的化身。

Their amino acid composition resembles that of all the other “soluble“ proteins . 它們的氨基酸組成與所有其它可溶性蛋白質相似。