
resemblance n.相似 (to; between; of); 相似性;...


“ yes i see the resemblance “是的。你們長得很相象。 ”

There is some resemblance between the accounts of the incident 這一事件的不同記述中,有某些相似之處。

Because it bears a striking resemblance to - - 因為這形狀和

They all said that our building bore some resemblance with theirs 他們都說我們的樓和他們的有些相似。

She ' s my twin sister , can ' t you see the resemblance 她是我雙胞胎的姐姐,你看不出來我們的容貌相似嗎

Thnbsp ; trembles of the umbrella assembly lines have resemblances 這些雨傘裝配線的抖動有相似之處。

Mr . stephano bears absolutely no resemblance to count olaf 斯蒂芬諾先生和歐拉夫伯爵毫無相似之處

This doesn “ t bear the slightest resemblance to anything in real life 這可與現實生活一點不相同。

The trembles of the umbrella assembly lines have resemblances 這些雨傘裝配線的抖動有相似之處。

The movie bears little resemblance to the original novel 這部影片具有和原作的小說幾分的相似

The resemblance between the two men give a strike 這兩個男子如此相似,給我留下深刻的印象。

There was a distant resemblance between them 他倆有隱約相似的地方。

I guess there is a certain family resemblance 我想這一定有遺傳的因素

In a sense the atmosphere bears resemblance to an ocean 在某種意義上說大氣和海洋相似。

Your story shows little resemblance to the facts 你說的與事實相去甚遠。

The children have a great resemblance to their parents 孩子們和他們的父母親十分相像。

Causal naming and family resemblance - an open logical point of view 從開放邏輯的觀點看

The application of resemblance in academic theory 相似論在學習理論中的應用

There ' s a . there ' s a resemblance to amphibian tissue , 有點像兩棲動物的組織