
resell vt.再出售;轉賣。


Unlike agents , distributors buy goods from the principals on their own account and take title to them and resell them to their customers in their territory 與代理商不同,經銷商要先花錢買下貨物,擁有它們,然后再賣給他們負責經銷區域內的客戶。

Your right to use the cleverlearn software and services is personal to you , and you hereby agree not to resell the use of the cleverlearn software and services 您使用cleverlearn的軟件和服務僅限于您本人,您同意不得將其出售給別任何其他人。

Your right to use the cleverlearn software and services is personal to you , and you hereby agree not to resell the use of the cleverlearn software and services 你使用慧學英語的軟件和服務僅限于你本人,你同意不得將其出售給別任何其他人。

Speculators are thick on the ground - literally speaking . they buy up land , sit on it for a year of two and resell for several times what they paid 不夸張地說,投機商多得很,他們買下土地,然后放它個一兩年,再以幾倍于以前的價格賣出去。

Procurement , refurbish re - use , resell , and assembly of used semiconductor manufacturing equipment consulting and establishment of semiconductor production line 進行中古半導體制造設備的收購,銷售,委托銷售,設置,改造,生產線構筑等業務

In a nation of gadget lovers , a ban on reselling old appliances has everyone from musicians and artists to thrift shop owners up in arms 對于一個國家的小器具愛好者,關于轉售舊器具的禁令引起了從音樂家和藝術家到舊貨店主的竭力反對。

Mbanga said the newspapers were selling - and reselling . “ people are buying a copy for 4 , 000 zimbabwe dollars , reading it and then selling it for 5 , 000 dollars 穆邦加說,辛巴威人報銷路很好,賣出去之后,還能轉賣個幾次。

Other third party vendors integrating or reselling wd storage products acquired from wd , authorized distributors , or authorized resellers 從wd 、授權分銷商、或授權轉銷商處獲取wd存儲?品并用于集成或再銷的其他第三方經銷商。

Finally , users are once again reminded that reselling your ordered notebook computer within the first 6 months for profit - making purpose is strictly prohibited 最后,再一次提醒用戶,在頭6個月轉賣筆記本牟利是嚴格禁止的。

Other third party vendors integrating or reselling wd storage products acquired from wd , authorized distributors , or authorized resellers 從wd授權分銷商或授權經銷商處采購wd存儲產品后進行集成或轉售的其他第三方供應商。

Commercial activities such as marketing , reselling of user privileges , business transactions with , or between commercial organisations 任何如市場促銷,用戶權利轉售,以致與其他商業機構之間的商業交易等的商業活動;

No user may resell or commercially exploit the data obtained by use of any of the cleverlearn software and services 同樣地,沒有書面許可,任何用戶均不能基于商業目的銷售或使用cleverlearn軟件和服務中的任何資料。

Our vision is to distribute high quality products from usa , japan , italy and indonesia and resell them to our customers and trading partners 我們的產品主要從美國、日本、意大利及印尼進口。全部貨品均屬原裝正版。

Procurement , refurbish re - use , resell , and assembly of used fpd manufacturing equipment consulting and establishment of fpd production line 進行中古fpd制造設備的收購,銷售,委托銷售,設置,改造,生產線構筑等業務

Instead , their only recourse is to resell such defective merchandise , often at a steep discount from what they paid in the first place 他得到了夸梅布朗,但是現在面臨的情況是:他們需要把這個次品再打折賣出去。

No user may resell or commercially exploit the data obtained by use of any of the cleverlearn software and services 同樣,沒有書面許可,任何用戶均不能基于商業目的銷售或使用慧學英語軟件和服務中的任何資料。

Think about how it will be , if you will decide to resell , in case you discover that this hobby is just not for you 還要考慮到將來,萬一發現你不再喜歡玩模型了,又想把模型賣掉的話,會有什么影響。

These pack and ship retailers are authorised to resell ups products and services , bringing ups closer to you 這些包裝和運輸零售商已經獲得授權,可以轉售ups的產品與服務,讓ups與您離得更近。

Speculators are thick on the ground . they buy up land , sit on it for a month or two and resell for twice what they paid 投機者多得很,他們買下土地,擱置一兩個月后又以雙倍的價格賣出去。