
resect vt.【醫學】切除。n.-tion 切除(術)。


Results ( 1 ) the morphology and mucosal ultrastructures of reserved middle turbinate were observed to have recovered postoperatively ; ( 2 ) the proportions of the septal formation and the closure of ethmoid sinus cavity in the groups with middle turbinates reserved and resected were 13 . 3 % , 18 . 3 % and 58 . 3 % , 51 . 7 % , respectively ( p < 0 . 01 ) 結果腫脹型、息肉樣變型和息肉形成型的中鼻甲形態和粘膜表面超微結構術后呈良性轉歸;中鼻甲保留組和中鼻甲切除組中隔鼻甲出現率分別為13 . 3 %和58 . 3 % ,篩竇術腔閉塞率分別為18 . 3 %和51 . 7 % ( p < 0 . 01 ) 。

The operation contained resecting the back rib covering the cavity , separating the intercostal tissue , cutting the external wall of the cavity , cleaning the cavity thoroughly , scraping the cavity till exposing the fresh tissue , killing the tuberculosis germs with organic acid , filling the cavity with the intercostal muscle , fixing and suturing the muscles 切除覆蓋在空洞外側的肋骨后段,游離相應部位的帶蒂肋間組織,剪除空洞外側壁,徹底清除空洞內容物,刮出新鮮創面,有機酸殺滅可能殘留的結核分支桿菌,將準備好的肋間肌瓣填充于空洞殘腔內,縫合固定。

Results in the lung cancer group , the positive rate of telomerase activity in surgically resected lung cancer tissues was 91 . 7 ( 33 out of 36 samples ) , and 85 . 7 ( 6 out of 7 samples ) and 71 . 4 ( 5 out of 7 samples ) in fiberobronchoscopically collected tissues or cells and pleural effusion cells , respectively 結果肺癌組: 36例手術切除肺癌組織中端粒酶陽性率為91 . 7 , 7例纖維支氣管鏡活檢肺癌組織和7例癌性胸水細胞中端粒酶陽性例數分別為6例和5例;總檢出率為88 ( 44 50 ) 。

Objective : to establish a rat model of orthotopic gastric isotransplantation by using microsurgical techniques . methods : 70 sd rats were used in our experiment and 35 gastric trasplantations were carried out . in the donor ' s operation : after the spleen was resected and the proper liver artery was ligated , the stomach was perfused through the abdominal aorta . then the stomach was resected with its peripheral blood vessels including celiac trunk and the portal vein , etc . in the recipient operation : after the stomach and the spleen were reseeted , the implantation was performed by the following sequence : the end - to - side anastomosis between the portal veins . the end - to - end anastomosis between the celiac trunk and the left gastric artery . open the blood flow to observe the effect of the blood supply of the stomach . the end - to - end anastomosis between the duodenum . the end - to - end anastomosis between the cardiac and the esophagus . results : 35transplantations were carried out in which the operation success rate in the last 20 cases was 80 ( 16 / 20 ) . the average operation time was 2 . 35 h . the longest survival time was over three months . conclusions : the model of orthotopic gastric transplantation in rat was successfully established . it could be used to study the transplanted stomach in the abdominal multiviseeral transplantation and the reconstruction after the total gastrectomy 目的應用顯微外科技術,建立大鼠原位異體胃移植模型.方法70只sd大鼠,行35例次的胃移值手術.供體手術,先切除脾臟,經腹主動脈行原位胃冷灌洗.將胃及其所屬血管,包括腹腔干和門靜脈干等一并切取.受體手術,先切除胃和脾臟,分別行供、受體間門靜脈的端側吻合,供體腹腔干與受體胃左動脈的端端吻合,然后開放血流.再行供體和受體十二指腸間端端吻合,賁門與食管端端吻合.結果在施行的35例手術,后20例中有16例成功,成功率為80 .最長存活者達3個月.結論成功地建立了大鼠原位異體胃移植類型.該模型可用于腹部多臟器移植中移植胃的相關研究及全胃切除術后代胃的研究

Conclusion ( 1 ) depending on location , size and invading extension of the tumor , above different approaches are adapted selectively which can provide excellent exposure and allow for an aggressive resection of the tumor . ( 2 ) the tumor tissue of the cavenous sinus and foramen lacerum is resected carefully by microsurgery . ( 3 ) the dural deficiecy must be repaired and sutured tightly to avoid craniocerebral fluid leak 結論( 1 )前或和中顱凹底內外溝通性腫瘤應根據腫瘤大小、位置及侵犯范圍選擇顱面聯合入路、額顳-顳下窩入路或額顳-顳下窩入路結合面前徑路即可給于充分暴露并能在直視下廣泛切除腫瘤; ( 2 )中顱凹底侵及海綿竇和破裂孔部的腫瘤應在較高放大倍數手術顯微鏡下仔細分離切除; ( 3 )硬膜的嚴密修復是避免腦脊液漏及顱內感染的重要關鍵。

Methods : after cultured scs combined with fn were grafted into hemi - resected lumbar spinal cords of adult rats , we used surface recording of spinal cord evoked potential ( scep ) and image analysis system to compare the latent period of scep and count the axon number between the therapeutic group and the control group 方法:將體外培養的雪旺細胞結合纖連蛋白植入大鼠半切損傷的脊髓內,用脊髓誘發電位及圖像分析方法比較治療組和對照組誘發電位潛伏期,再生軸突計數及二者間的關系。

Objective to report 16 cases of intracranial aneurysms with calcified vascular wall and study the relationship between vascular calcification and pathogenic mechanism of intracranial aneurysms . methods spiral ct scan , clinical data and serum calcium , phosphate , glucose , lipid , renal function of the 16 patients were studied in retrospect . all aneurysms were clipped , in which 8 were resected after clipping . results the location of aneurysms with aneurismal wall calcification was , on posterior communicating artery in 3 , on middle cerebral artery in 2 , on anterior communicating artery in 2 , on basilar artery in 5 and on basilar artery in 4 . all patients showed normal serum calcium , phosphate , glucose and normal renal function . serum lipid of patients had been elevated . all patients recovered with no significant neurological deficits . conclusion intracranial vascular calcification is an active and regulated process in close relation to atherosclerosis , serum calcium , phosphate , lipid , thyroid , parathyroid function and other factors . intracranial vascular calcification has close relationship with the pathogenesis and management of intracranial aneurysms 目的報告16例瘤壁有鈣化的顱內動脈瘤病例的治療,分析顱內血管鈣化與顱內動脈瘤病理發生機制的關系.方法回顧性分析16例瘤壁有鈣化的顱內動脈瘤病例的影像學、臨床資料及手術治療.結果瘤壁有鈣化的顱內動脈瘤的位置是: 3例位于后交通動脈, 2例位于大腦中動脈, 2例位于前交通動脈, 5例位于椎動脈, 4例位于基底動脈.所有患者血鈣、磷酸鹽、血糖、腎功能正常. 6例患者血脂增高. 16例患者均行動脈瘤夾閉術,其中8例術中切除動脈瘤,治療效果良好.結論動脈瘤瘤壁鈣化與其病理發生機制有關,常見于巨大或大動脈瘤,瘤壁血管鈣化是與動脈粥樣硬化、血鈣、磷酸鹽、血脂、甲狀腺、甲狀旁腺等因素有關的主動耗能,多因素調控的病理過程

Methods ( 1 ) the morphology and mucosal ultrastructure of middle turbinate were observed preoperatively and postoperatively by nasal endoscopy and scanning electron microscopy in 20 cases ; ( 2 ) the proportions of the septal turbinate formation and the closure of ethmoid sinus cavity were investigated postoperatively by nasal endoscopy in 60 cases with middle turbinate reserved and 60 cases with middle turbinate resected 方法應用鼻內窺鏡和掃描電鏡分別觀察20例手術前、后中鼻甲形態和粘膜表面超微結構;應用鼻內窺鏡觀察中鼻甲保留組和中鼻甲切除組各60例的術后中隔鼻甲和篩竇術腔閉塞的發生率。

In an attempt to create a novel , entirely autologous tissue - engineered adipose substitute , we extracted human stromal cells from either lipoaspirated or resected fat , and assessed their capacity to produce a three - dimensional adipose tissue using an adapted “ self - assembly ” culture methodology 為了構建一種全新的完全自體的組織工程脂肪的替代物,我們從吸脂術或切割的脂肪中提取間質細胞,采用自組裝培養方法分析他們構建三維脂肪組織的能力。

In recent 20 years , advances in muscle flap surgery and availability of chest reconstructive prosthesis have encouraged the surgeons to take an active attitude toward chest wall resection ; many “ unresectable “ lesions now have a chance to be resected and cured 近20余年來,重建材料的發展和軟組織重建技術的進步讓外科醫生在胸壁切除時更為積極,胸壁重建取得了很大的進步,許多在過去“不可切除”的病變得到了治愈的機會。

In this paper , we investigate some properties of positive integer solutions of indeterminate equations ( the equations is abbreviated ) , moreover , we describe the resects of all positive integer solutions on factor analysis solutions of indeterminate equations 摘要引入了不定方程正整數解的有關性質的引理和定理,并在此基礎上給出了求解該不定方程的所有正整數解的因數分析解法。

Cheng , ck , huang ch , liau jj : morphometrical comparison between the resected surface in osteoarthritic knees and total knee prostheses . the 1st congress of asia pacific knee society , , tokyo , 2000 / 02 / 18 - 20 , pp . 227 廖建忠、鄭誠功:人工膝關節之生物力學評估-關節表面接觸問題的探討, 1999年華裔骨科學會國際骨科新進展研討會,長春,中國大陸, 1999 / 08 / 10 - 11

Neoplasm in the fourth ventricle was resected . [ results ] among the 20 cases total resection was in 14 and subtotal resection was in 6 . [ conclusion ] the cerebello - medullary fissure opproach can provide a panoramic view between the two laterl recesses 方法對20例第腦室內腫瘤均采取枕下正中開顱,經扁桃體下小腦延髓裂入路,顯微鏡下切除第腦室內腫瘤。

Method the combined cranniofacial approach , the frontotemporal - infratemporal fossa approach and the frontotemporal - infratemporal fossa approach combining anterior facial approach were adapted to expose tumors which were resected by microsurgery 方法分別采用顱面聯合入路、額顳-顳下窩入路或額顳-顳下窩結合面前徑路暴露腫瘤,給予顯微手術切除。

Methods we report on two cases , where we resected a midesophagus tumor by a thoracoscopic and a distal esophageal tumor by a laparoscopic approach under endoscopic assistance during the resection procedure 方法此處報道2例手術,均借助內鏡接近術位,一例通過胸腔鏡切除了一個食管中部的腫瘤,另一例通過腹腔鏡切除了一個食管末端的腫瘤。

Conclusions : schwann cells together with fibronectin grafted to hemi - resected lumbar spinal cords in adult rats can promote partial conductive function repair of scathing spinal cords 結論:雪旺細胞結合纖連蛋白移植具有促進脊髓損傷后軸突再生的作用,并能部分恢復脊髓的傳入功能。

When compared to resected fat , lipoaspiration - derived cells featured an increased adipogenic potential and the enhanced ability to recreate an adipose substitute in vitro 然后,我們比較了切割脂肪和吸脂來源的細胞成脂肪的潛力及體外構建脂肪替代物的能力。

In cases where the posterior fontanel is identified , the division between the natural ostium and the fontanel should be resected to allow free communication between the two 如果確定有前鹵存在,應該將前鹵和上頜竇口之間的間隔切除,使兩者相通。

Overall in - hospital mortality ( both resected and nonresected ) was 15 . 7 % for those with pancreatic cancer vs 0 . 6 % for those with chronic pancreatitis 胰腺癌患者總體的住院死亡率(包括行切除術和未行者)是15 . 7 % ,而慢性胰腺炎者為0 . 6 % 。