
reseat vt.1.使再坐下;使復職。2.增設座位;換裝座面。短語...


This thesis is organized in two parts : the first part of this thesis focuses on strangeness production at sps energies . the strange baryon and strange meson pro - duction at sps energies are modeled via luciae model which includes the reseat ter - ing 我們的工作目標主要集中在用建立在強子和弦機制上的高能核反應模型- luciae ,模擬wa97和na49實驗中的奇異重子和奇異介子產生的數據。

Valves requiring processing in the clean room should first be assembled prior to cleaning , subjected to cracking and reseat pressure , and flow tested in the flow outside the clean environment 要求在無塵室中完成各工序的真空管首先要在清洗之前要將其組裝起來,再使其承受裂化和復位壓力,接著在清潔的環境下進行流動測試

Valves requiring processing in the clean room should first be assembled prior to cleaning , subjected to cracking and reseat pressure , and flow tested in the flow outside the clean environment 要求在絕對無塵室處理的閥門首先必須在清洗前進行組裝,經過裂化及復位施壓,然后在清潔環境下的流體中作流動測試。

M . danglars appeared ; debray reseated himself . at the noise of the door madame danglars turned round , and looked upon her husband with an astonishment she took no trouble to conceal 聽到開門的聲音,騰格拉爾夫人轉過頭來,帶著一種她根本不掩飾的驚愕的神情望著她的丈夫。

Bidding her neck and hands adieu miss douce - those things only bring out a rash , replied , reseated 杜絲小姐同自己的脖子和手告了別,回答說:

Valve reseating tool 閥座磨合工具

The boy 's trousers want reseating . 這個孩子的褲子后座部得修換了。