
research n.1.仔細搜索 (for, after)。2.〔常 p...


He read a paper at a medical conference on the results of his research . 他在醫學會議上宣讀了他的研究論文。

Long before the car came out, we started doing market research . 在此車問世之前很久,我們就開始做市場研究。

It's impossible to do research without inflicting some pain on animals . 搞研究不讓動物遭點罪是不可能的。

Basic research is of great importance in all scientific fields . 在各個科學領域里,基礎研究是非常重要的。

The real breakthrough in this line of research came about 1940 . 在這一研究分支中真正的突破大約在1940年。

Such an approach may give rise to a research field of interest . 這種手段可能產生一個有意義的探索領域。

They struck oil only after years of market research . 他們花了好些年工夫去作市場研究,以后才大發橫財。

The numerous research findings do not seem to be very pertinent . 為數眾多的研究結果看來并不十分有用。

I began to concentrate all of my research on birds and their songs . 我開始集中精力研究鳥和鳥的歌聲。

He has lots of original ideas about the research into microelectronics . 他對微電子學的研究很有創見。

Exciting as this research will be, also has its problems . 這項研究雖然是令人振奮的,但也存在著問題。

He was not disheartened, and he continued with his researches . 他沒有失去信心,仍然繼續自己的研究。

There was a fire , and five years of research work went west . 失了一場火,五年的研究工作毀于一旦。

The research sheds important new light on tooth formation . 這項研究為了解牙齒的形成提供了新線索。

From the outset these researches caused a considerable stir . 這些研究從一開始就造成了巨大的轟動。

The college has enrolled another group of research students this year . 學校今年又收了一批研究生。

He kindly made me free of his library for my research . 他熱情地讓我隨意使用他的書房做研究工作。

Persistent research will uncover a logical justification . 持續的研究將會揭示出邏輯上的正確性。

Her research is center on the social effects of unemployment . 她的研究課題是失業對社會的影響。