
rescuer n.救助者,援救者;救星。


Rescuers are focusing their search today on 2 other missing hikers 調查人員目前已經把查找重點放到另外兩個失蹤的旅行者身上。

Rescuers say they will continue to search until all of the missing are found 救助者稱他們將繼續尋找,直到找到所有的失蹤者。

Rescuers found the pair in the gulf of mexico four hours after the fall 營救人員在他們掉落后的四小時在墨西哥灣發現了他們。

Rescuers say they will continue to search until all of the missing are found 救援者說他們將繼續搜索直到失蹤者全部找到。

Rescuers say they will continue to search until all of the missing are found 救援人員將繼續搜尋直至找到所有的失蹤人員。

Elizabeth : father ! commodore , do you really intend to kill my rescuer 父親!艦隊長,你們真的要殺我的救命恩人?

Rescuers say they will continue to search until all of the missing are found 救援者稱會持續搜索直到找到失蹤者。

Rescuers are continuing to search the rubble for possible survivors 救護人員正不停地在石堆中尋找可能生還的人。

Rescuers continue to dig through the wreckage looking for survivors 救援人員繼續從殘骸中挖掘尋找幸存者。

An online community of pet lovers , rescuers , and responsible breeders -籠養鳥的門戶,飼養調教疾病防護。

Rescuers continue to dig through the wreckage looking for survivors 救援人員還將繼續在殘骸中尋找幸存者。

Self rescuer for carbon monoxide 防一氧化碳的自我救生器

Rescuers continue to dig through the wreckage looking for survivors 營救人員仍在殘害中挖掘尋找幸存者。

Rescuers had to call off the search due to worsening weather 由于天氣越來越壞,救援人員只得停止搜索。

But who will rescue the rescuers 可誰來拯救那些拯救者們

Closed - circuit oxygen self rescuers 閉路循環氧氣自我救生器

How to make sure self rescuer quality 如何保證自救器的質量

He met with rescuers and some of the families of the victims 他會見了救援人員和一些受害者的家屬。

The climber held on till the rescuers reached him 登山者緊抓著穩住自己,直到營救的人到達他身邊。