
rescue vt.1.救,援救,營救,救出(俘虜等)。2.【法律】劫...


I believed that staying all the troops of the land would take example from my act and come to the rescue of berlin . 我相信我的留守會使全國軍隊效法我的行動前來解柏林之圍。

When a passing tanker rescued them five days later , both men were genuinely sorry that they had to leave . 五天后,一艘油輪營救他們時,他們倆因必須離去而感到由衷的惋惜。

Milo glided forward wordlessly to rescue him, by leading him tamely to his private table . 邁洛一聲不響地走上前去給他打圓場,他這才乖乖地跟著他走到獨用的那張餐桌旁邊。

He went on and made a long speech in praise of barras and his splendid efforts to rescue the men . 隨后,他又發表了長篇大論,贊揚了巴勒斯以及他在搶救工作中的杰出表現。

He went to his cousin's rescue when he saw him all at sea, and doubtful whether to laugh or to be angry . 他看見他的表弟這樣茫然,笑也不好,氣也不好,就趕快給他解圍。

It was not long before a helicopter arrived on the scene to rescue the survivors of the plane crash . 不久,一架直升飛機抵達現場,把這次飛機失事的幸存者營救了出來。

Levchenko felt gratitude and admiration for those who rescued his country from such peril . 列夫欽科對那些使他的國家免遭這種危險的人產生了感激和欽佩之情。

It was not long before a helicopter arrived on the scene to rescue the survivors of the plane crash . 不久,一架直升飛機飛到現場,來搭救失事飛機的幸存者。

We did not recognize this means of rescuing enemy pilots who had been shot down in action . 我們不準許用這種方式救起那些在作戰中被擊落的敵方飛行員。

“mr. hareton is desirous of increasing his amount of knowledge,“ i said, coming to his rescue . “哈里頓先生熱望著增長他的知識,”我說,為他解圍。

The steady improvements in the royal navy could not now rescue victory from defeat . 皇家海軍的境況在逐漸改善,但這一切都不可能力挽狂瀾,轉敗為勝。

It might well be that an accident could befall myself and i would like somebody to rescue me . 事故很可能降臨到我的身上,我希望到時候有人來救我。

This is beauty, who has the courage to rescue your son from the terrible enchantment . 這位就是美女,她有勇氣把你的兒子從可怕的妖術中解救出來。

The child who fell into the river would have died if the young man had n't come to his rescue . 要不是那個青年相救,落水的孩子早就沒命了。

The father attempting to rescue them is next seized and involved in the serpents' coils . 正圖解救他們的父親,但也被巨蛇纏繞。

The small boat rescues had retrieved nearly forty people from the key before . 在此之前,一些小救生船從島上救出了大約四十人。

The child was rescued from the fire , but died soon after for terrible burns . 那個孩子被救出火災現場,但不久就死于嚴重燒傷。

I took my rescue team up as soon as we received their distress signal . 我們一接到他們遇險的信號,我就帶著我的營救隊上去了。

You don't believe in the american rescue expedition everyone's talking about ? 大家都在談美國派援救遠征軍,你相信嗎?