
rescind vt.1.廢除,作廢,取消,撤銷,解除。2.〔古、主喻〕...


Don ' t worry . they ' ll rescind the sale , or we ' ll file a lawsuit against the county 別擔心.他們會宣布拍賣無效,否則我們就起訴縣政府

At the same time , the existing restricted zone in sheung yuen street will be rescinded 同時,現時在上元街實施的限制區,將予以撤銷。

Right to rescind 撤銷的權利

Last is about the shipper ' s right to modify and rescind the contract 其中的承運人責任基礎問題,更是海商法修改中面臨的一大難題。

Ifyou cut my throat , i ' ll not be able to rescind the offer that broughtyou here 如果你割破我的喉嚨,我便不會讓你來這兒的目的達成

Daily restricted zones on the above road sections will continue to be temporarily rescinded 7時至午夜12時限制區,將繼續暫予撤銷。

At the same time , the existing speed limit on the above section of road will be rescinded 同時,上述路段現有的車速限制將予撤銷。

As gazetted under item of g . n . 6643 on 16 october 2004 will be rescinded 項所公布,現時上述一段暢旺路的車速限制,將予以撤銷。

You cannot rescind the contract simply because our payment is delayed by one day 貴方不能僅僅因為我方推遲一日付款就解除合同

At the same time , the existing prohibited zone in lan kwai fong will be rescinded 同時,現時在蘭桂芳實施的禁區,將予撤銷。

2 when the principal rescinds the entrustment or the agent declines the entrustment 二被代理人取消委托或者代理人辭去委托

Of 2007 will be rescinded ,撤銷據

And unless it ' s rescinded , 除非能夠撤銷

Both parties may rescind or renew the contract via mutual consultation 經雙方協商一致的,可以解除或續訂勞動合同。

Daily restricted zones on the above road sections will be temporarily rescinded 7時至午夜12時限制區,將暫予撤銷。

Your mission is rescinded 你們的任務已經被撤銷

Road will be temporarily rescinded 暫予撤銷。

161 of 2004 will be rescinded 運輸署署長黃志光

881 of 2006 will be rescinded 運輸署署長黃志光