
resale n.再賣;轉賣。


G ) “ import under bond not for resale “ should be mentioned in all packages / rolls / bales / cartons . a certificate to this effect from beneficiary must accopamy the original shipping documents 引號中的話要在每包每卷每箱上都注明.可是這個證明怎么個出法呢? ?不就是包裝的時候在所有的包裝上都多印一句話嗎?

“ import under bond not for resale “ should be mentioned in all packages / rolls / bales / cartons . a certificate to this effect from beneficiary must accopamy the original shipping documents 引號中的話要在每包每卷每箱上都注明.可是這個證明怎么個出法呢? ?不就是包裝的時候在所有的包裝上都多印一句話嗎?

All businesses with fixed premises and primarily engaged in the businesses of selling tangible goodsproducts to the public as end - users or consumers rather than for resale purposes 包括所有有固定地址的店鋪,店鋪的主要業務是把實質貨品產品賣給使用者或消費者,而并非賣給用作轉售的顧客。

All businesses with fixed premises and primarily engaged in the businesses of selling tangible goods products to the public as end - users or consumers rather than for resale purposes 包括所有有固定地址的店鋪,店鋪的主要業務是把實質貨品產品賣給使用者或消費者,而并非賣給用作轉售的顧客。

Article 25 the forgery , sale or resale or transfer of special hunting and catching licenses , hunting licenses , domestication and breeding licenses , and import and export permits shall be prohibited 第二十五條禁止偽造、倒賣、轉讓特許獵捕證,狩獵證,馴養繁殖許可證和允許進出口證明書。

Making it harder to know who is right : china lacks many of the detailed housing statistics common in the west , such as rates of vacancies , inventories and resale prices 而讓人更加難辨對錯的是:中國缺乏西方常見的許多詳細的房屋統計數據,如空置率、待售房屋和二手房屋價格,等等。

Most of these activities are related to what is called “ underwriting ” whereby an investment bank commits to buy the new issue shares of a company for resale to the investing public 這些活動大多數與承銷有關,由此投資銀行許諾購買一家公司的新股票并轉售給投資大眾。

Most of these activities are related to what is called “ underwriting ” whereby an investment bank commits to buy the new i ue shares of a company for resale to the investing public 這些活動大多數與承銷有關,由此投資銀行許諾購買一家公司的新股票并轉售給投資大眾。

Manufacturers use trade advertising - the advertising of goods and services to middlemen - to stimulate wholesaler and retailers to buy goods for resale to their customers 生產商利用貿易廣告(向中間商推銷商品和勞務的廣告)來刺激批發商和零售商購買其產品并轉銷給用戶。

Thanks to resale price maintenance , an outstanding range of titles and number of bookstores has developed in germany and austria since 1887 年以來,由于在德國和奧地利實施了“約束性零售價格” ,圖書市場出現了繁榮景象,例如豐富多彩的圖書版本和遍及各地的零售書店。

It is necessary and urgent to establish a npl resale market in china . the huge amount of npl in china needs a big market with enough market to accommodate it 在1999年我國成立了資產管理公司來處理不良資產,資產管理公司是具有獨立法人資格的國有獨資金融企業。

The main scheme involved the construction of flats which were sold to eligible applicants at discounted prices subject to a five - year resale restriction 主體計劃包括興建樓宇,并以折扣價格出售樓宇給合資格的申請人,但成功的申請人須遵守五年的樓宇轉售限制。

The term plant and equipment is used to describe long - lived assets acquired for use in the operation of the business and not intended for resale to customers 術語“廠房和設備”用來描述企業為經營使用而購買并不打算再出售給顧客的長期資產。

The main scheme involves the construction of flats which are sold to eligible applicants at discounted prices subject to a five - year resale restriction 主體計劃包括興建樓宇,并以折扣價格售予合資格的申請人,但這些樓宇不得在五年內轉售。

Artists say the regulations infringe on popular culture , affecting the resale of items such as turntables , electric guitars and other classic devices 藝術家說這項規定侵害了流行文化,影響了錄音轉播機、電吉他和其他優秀設備的二手交易。

First licence for provision of international simple resale ( isr ) for fax and data services was issued to city telecom ( hk ) limited in january 城市電訊(香港)有限公司在一月成為首家獲發國際專線分銷圖文傳真及數據服務牌照的營辦商。

Adventure works cycles also purchases products for resale , such as bicycle apparel and bicycle add - ons like water bottles and pumps Adventure works cycles也購買一些產品以進行轉售,例如,自行車裝飾件和自行車附件,像水瓶和打氣筒。

Husband : true , but it ' s prime real estate with proven resale and high rental value . it would also be an investment in our future 丈夫:是的,但是這是一流的房地產,有確定的投資價值,還有很高的出租價值。這也是我們未來的一筆投資呀。

If your kids want to paint their bedrooms , as a favor to me , let em do it , he said . dont worry about resale values 他說,如果你的孩子也像我當年那樣,想在臥室里涂涂畫畫的,就讓他們去畫吧。別擔心你的房子轉手的時候售價會受到影響。