
reroute vt.(-routed; -routing) 按新路線發...


Abstract : an algorithm to resolve the coupling effect problem is proposed during the cross point assignment ( cpa ) stage . in the algorithm , the priority queue concept and the rip - up and reroute strategy are combined to control crosstalk noise caused by interconnect coupling capacitance . first , the nets are arranged into different priority queues according to their weighted sum of their length and criticality . then , the cpa problem for one queue of nets is translated into a linear assignment problem . after the assignment of one queue of nets , a post - cpa checking routine is performed to check and rip up the net pairs which violate the crosstalk noise constraint and then push them into the next queue to be reassigned . the algorithm is tested by a set of bench mark examples , and the experimental results are promising 文摘:提出了一種在過點分配階段解決噪聲耦合效應問題的算法.該算法采用優先隊列同拆線重布策略相結合的方法,控制由互連線耦合電容引起的串擾噪聲.算法中,首先按照線長和約束限制,將線網劃分到若干個優先隊列中.然后,將每個優先隊列的過點分配問題轉換為線性分配問題.在完成一個線網隊列的分配后,通過過點分配后處理過程檢查串擾約束滿足情況,對違反約束的線網對進行拆除,放入后續線網隊列進行重新分配.實驗數據表明,該算法能夠取得好的效果

The main expression of the mpls supporting ip qos technology is that it ' s supporting on interserv and diffserv . the introducing of interserv and diffserv is put in the first chapter , the signalings adopted by these two services mainly are rsvp and cr - ldp , the introducing of the rsvp and cr - ldp are put in the 3rd chapter , in this chapter , we described the constrained routing technology of cr - ldp , the message realized in cr - ldp , the t / l / v in cr - ldp , the development of the rsvp - te , how to extend the rsvp to surpport lsp tunnel , the detail information of the rsvp tunnel , the extended rsvp how to establish a lsp tunnel , how to transmit the business through lsp , how to reroute the existing lsp and so on . adopting these two signaling technology on how to guarantee the mpls qos realization is put into chapter 4 . the final part is a conclusion of this paper Mpls對ipqos技術的支持主要體現在對集成服務和差分服務的支持上,對集成服務和差分服務的介紹放在第一章中進行,實現這兩種服務所采用的信令技術主要有rsvp和cr - ldp ,對rsvp和cr - ldp的介紹將放在第三章中進行,在這一章中對cr - ldp所采用的限制路由技術, cr - ldp中的消息實現, cr - ldp所采用的流量參數; rsvp - te的發展, rsvp怎樣擴展來支持lsp隧道, rsvp隧道信息詳細資料,擴展的rsvp如何建立一條lsp隧道,業務如何通過lsp傳輸,現有的lsp如何進行重路由,為internet核心而增強的lsp可擴展性這幾個方面進行了論述。

An algorithm to resolve the coupling effect problem is proposed during the cross point assignment ( cpa ) stage . in the algorithm , the priority queue concept and the rip - up and reroute strategy are combined to control crosstalk noise caused by interconnect coupling capacitance . first , the nets are arranged into different priority queues according to their weighted sum of their length and criticality . then , the cpa problem for one queue of nets is translated into a linear assignment problem . after the assignment of one queue of nets , a post - cpa checking routine is performed to check and rip up the net pairs which violate the crosstalk noise constraint and then push them into the next queue to be reassigned . the algorithm is tested by a set of bench mark examples , and the experimental results are promising 提出了一種在過點分配階段解決噪聲耦合效應問題的算法.該算法采用優先隊列同拆線重布策略相結合的方法,控制由互連線耦合電容引起的串擾噪聲.算法中,首先按照線長和約束限制,將線網劃分到若干個優先隊列中.然后,將每個優先隊列的過點分配問題轉換為線性分配問題.在完成一個線網隊列的分配后,通過過點分配后處理過程檢查串擾約束滿足情況,對違反約束的線網對進行拆除,放入后續線網隊列進行重新分配.實驗數據表明,該算法能夠取得好的效果

As shell announced last week an insufficient plan to reroute its dangerous pipeline , sakhalin islanders discovered a huge amount of debris apparently dumped by project sub - contractor in a shallow bay crucial to the island ' s vital fisheries 殼牌宣布,上周變更了他們危險的管線鋪設路線計劃,庫頁島當地居民發現了大量由工程承包商傾倒的垃圾,而傾倒地點正是對當地漁業自關重要的淺灣區域。

Involuntary endorsement : endorsement is no longer needed between the skyteam airlines to reroute the connecting passengers to their final destination on code - share flights , whether or not they are on beyond or trunk flights 非自愿簽轉:天合聯盟成員在代碼共享航班上重新安排中轉旅客的航線到他們的目的地時,不管是干線航班或是以遠點航班,都不需要簽轉。

It will be possible to reroute 2 , 500 police , 800 fire and 705 ambulance vehicles , 150 suv and 50 small vessels of the port security immediately on alert of an emergency thus ensuring that incident response times are faster 對意外事故和緊急事件進行有效組織并作出快速反應。針對緊急情況發出的警報本系統能快速調配2 , 500

Db2 version 8 . 2 introduced a new feature , client reroute , enhancing db2 s native client server communication abilities . to implement this feature you will need db2 version 8 . 2 clients and servers Db2 version 8 . 2引入了一個新特性,即客戶機重路由( client reroute ) ,該特性增強了db2的本地客戶機/服務器通信能力。

The dotted lines suggests that i can remove serverb after adding servera , or i can simply remove serverb and add servera to quickly reroute connection attempts 虛線表示可以在添加servera之后移去serverb ,或者可以先移去serverb ,然后再添加servera ,以便快速地進行重新路由連接嘗試。

2 . all kinds of fast reroute algorithms based mpls traffic engineering are discussed . a novel mpls fast rerouting algorithm is presented in detail 2 .分析基于mpls流量工程的各種快速重路由算法的實現機制,在現有算法的基礎上提出了一種分布式的mpls快速重路由算法。

Step 1 : install a third - party software that will intercept all tcp bound requests and reroute them to the appropriate socks server 第1步:安裝一個第三方軟件,它將攔截所有的tcp綁定請求并將這些請求重新路由到適當的socks服務器上

That can socksify applications by intercepting all tcp bound requests and reroute them to the appropriate socks server ) ,它能通過攔截所有的tcp綁定的請求對應用程序socks化并且將應用程序重新路由到適當的socks服務器上。

Install a third - party software that will intercept all tcp bound requests and reroute them to the appropriate socks server 安裝一個第三方軟件,它將攔截所有的tcp綁定請求并將這些請求重新路由到適當的socks服務器上。

The essential function of db2 v8 . 2 s client reroute capability is to move a database connection from one sever to another Db2 v8 . 2客戶機重路由特性的重要功能是將數據庫連接從一臺服務器轉移到另一臺服務器。

Ham landed connections to the cameroon government and flew in his people to reroute the traffic 韓聯系上喀麥隆政府,派駐他的人員飛到當地去進行網絡流量轉向。

Further , the network was reroute every few days , for precaution measure 而且,那個組織的網絡每隔幾天就會重新進行路由選擇,為了安全起見

Concede a reroute 提供一條新航路

Alternate number translation . the ability to reroute 1 - 800 calls on ncp failure 備用號碼翻譯。 ncp故障時可以重發1 - 800個呼叫。

Describes how to reroute and redraw connections between applications 描述如何重新確定應用程序之間的連接并重繪這些連接。

Describes how to reroute and redraw connections between members of a system 描述如何重新路由和重繪系統成員之間的連接。