
reread vt.重新讀,再讀。


By writing my letter i am able to find again my loving feelings and reread her letter and hear the love behind her hurt 每次我寫完信后,都能再次發現愛情的感覺,促使我再讀她的信,聽到她躲在傷害之后的愛。

I read and reread my letter ten times over , and the thought of the pain it would cause marguerite calmed me a little 我把這封信反復看了十來遍,想到這封信會使瑪格麗特感到痛苦,我心里稍許平靜了一些。

When debugging program compiled from the command line , dgbclr rereads the compiled program each time you start debugging 當調試從命令行編譯的程序時, dgbclr在您每次開始調試時都會重新讀取編譯的程序。

“ on rereading your letter it seems to us that you are laboring under the misapprehension that we pay for unsolicited manuscripts “拜讀來翰,先生似有所誤會,以為我處對未約寫之稿亦付稿酬。

Hanadee khan , 15 , said she had read and reread all the books and remained “ full - out obsessed “ with rowl - ing ' s creation 15歲的卡恩說她一讀再讀羅琳所有的書,仍然徹底著迷不能自拔。

In ordor to learn english well , my parents tightened their belt to buy a reread machine , it really hit the spot for me 為了學好英語,父母省吃儉用為我買了一個復讀機,它真的正合用處。

And so , from time to time , i was driven to reread marguerite s letter , to convince myself that i had not been dreaming 因此我不得不經常重讀瑪格麗特的信,好讓自己確信不是在做夢。

An additional reboot may be needed so that linux can reread the disk s partition tables 為了讓linux能夠重新讀入該磁盤的分區表,可能需要再一次重啟系統。

Reread your previous essays for potential ideas and information , which you may want to draw upon 重讀你以前的論文以獲得你想利用的潛在觀點和信息。

Some consider the early love poems his masterpieces & many still reread them 一些人認為他早期的愛情詩是他最杰出的作品,很多人都喜歡反復閱讀。

First , read or reread your favorite references on requirements management ; the 首先,閱讀或重讀您最喜歡的有關需求管理方面的參考資料;下面的

I often reread slowly really good ideas and blur over things that don ' t interest me 我一般會跳過那些不感興趣的話題而詳讀那些好的觀點。

Rereading guo mo - ruo : discussion of the confucianism impact on the guo ' s late creating life 談中國儒家思想對郭沫若后期創作生活的影響

To reread all the items in the list and refresh their displayed values 的控件重新讀取列表中的所有項,并刷新這些項的顯示值。

After this change , i rebooted to force a reread of my partition table 在這一更改后,我進行了重新引導以強制重新讀取分區表。

To reread the item at the specified index , and refresh its displayed value 的控件重新讀取指定索引處的項,并刷新其顯示值。

Rereading the iraq war 重讀伊拉克戰爭

Hadn ' t i reread the books many times and explained them to my buddies 難道我不是反復研讀課本,并且向我的伙伴們講解嗎?

To reread the currently selected item and refresh its displayed value 的控件重新讀取當前選定的項,并刷新其顯示值。